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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Questions For Today 2-3-2020

What was your favorite commercial during the Superbowl? 

Bonus question....how did you like the half time show?


  1. Oh I loved that part when the thing was over and the tv turned off... Best part. Happy for Andy Reid but the rest of the game and commercials sucked.

  2. i turned the game off at halftime, that halftime show was horrible

  3. The Suri Commercial

  4. Oops, I meant the Siri commercial

  5. Liked the Jason Mamoa commercial. Did not enjoy the half time show. But JLo looked like a stick figure next to Shakira. That young lady can move!

  6. It was nice to see Bill Murray and his brother again.
    Didn't watch the halftime show.

  7. Half time show was Jennifer Lopez on a stripper pole and rubbing her crotch. It was horrible. Super Bowl is not for families anymore.

    1. 10:55 Agree 100%

    2. Jennifer Lopez has turned sleezy slut, sold her soul for money and fame. Very sad because she actually has a lot of real talent.

  8. NFL and pepsi gets political AGAIN. Kids in cages, singing in a foreign language and J-ZEE and Bouncy sitting during the national anthem. Screw the NFL. America is lost.

  9. Who the hell is the half time show's target audience? I remember a song Shakira did almost 20 years ago, but don't ask me the name or even one lyric, that is how unmemorable it was. I guess they were going for aged eye candy for the guys, screw talent.

  10. didnt watch- sports are for stupid people

  11. I like the Verizon commercials. I thought the half time show was vulgar and not family friendly. It was totally out of line for public viewing.

  12. Liked several of the commercials. The half-time show was inappropriate. The game isn't only for adult males. Lots of kids watch and the objectification of women and the sexual overtones were a disgrace. The NFL needs to check their values and character.

    So happy for Andy Reed and Kansas City. A VICTORY for fly-over country!!!

  13. Very disappointed with J ZEE and Bayonce; they are not promoting black people with their ignorant defiance.

    1. 11:44 Disappointed but not one bit surprised.

  14. I didn't think Shakira did a good job on the Nationals Anthem. She sounded like a 10 year old with a bad really bad voice. JLo is a has been - great body but her face was very tired looking - age. Commercials that I saw were stupid. Glad I didn't watch the whole game.

    1. Demi Lovata sang the National Anthem not Shakira

  15. 12:08 Shakira did NOT since the national anthem

  16. The game was on yesterday? Darn I missed it. Who won? Was it the Orioles?

  17. I didn't see any "diversity" in their choices for singers. J Lo should have known better than to try to keep up with someone that is 8 years younger than her.

  18. Not the game, not the ads, and not the half time show could keep my attention. Worst game ever. I spent more time flipping channels than I did on the game. When even the high dollar ads are lackluster, there's nothing to talk about on Monday. I believe my NFL Super Bowl watching days are over.

  19. Just when I thought the half time shows couldn't get any worse, they have an "entertainer" that was singing to a Muslim audience. The NFL has become anti-American. Even some of their "entertainers" wouldn't stand for the National Anthem. If that's what the fans want, then the fans must all be democrats. I'm not...goodbye NFL. It is a corrupt "sport," just like our congress is corrupt. The NFL is playing to the far left of politics.

  20. didn't watch any of it. but, someone sent me the groundhog day spot, which was cute. Nice to see Bill, is still stuck in a loop...

  21. First, I do not understand what these people watched: or why. It seems these are generally a collection of critiques by an angry mob. The game was as good as you could want. Two super teams facing off for glory. "Glory lasts forever" The commercials were for the most part entertaining. Yeah there were some we could do without but then we cando what we do daily; refresh your beer during commercials. And if two half naked beautiful women shaking tbeir butts for 15 minutes ain't your cup of tea then have more chili. Huba! huba! Yeah I'm old.

  22. Uhhhh. That J-Lo shaking that NASTY caboose YUK! Turned it off right there!

  23. I used to think the super bowl was a can't miss event. After yesterdays game, half time show, & ads, I don't think it is worth wasting my time in front of a TV set again. Next year I will find something else to do or watch on super bowl Sunday.

  24. I liked the game but the half time show was terrible.

  25. Best Commercial was TRUMP's!! Hands down!! 2nd Best was the Jeep's Groundhog Day with Bill Murray (Phil), Ned and the Groundhog!! Half Time show was disgusting. Sooo Glad my 11 year old was in the kitchen getting something to eat and missed it!!

  26. The commercials werent good this year!

  27. I missed Clydesdale, Budwieser has gone to the Dogs!
    My favorite add was Reese Cup with the guy that had his head up his Butt! ! Rolled Laughing at that one ! !


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