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Sunday, February 02, 2020

Officer Charged With Murder After Shooting Suspect Inside Cruiser in Maryland: Police

A Prince George's County police officer who shot and killed a suspect who was handcuffed and wearing a seat belt inside a police cruiser Monday night in Maryland is in custody and facing charges, police said.

Cpl. Michael Owen Jr., a 10-year veteran of the department, is charged with second-degree murder, involuntary and voluntary manslaughter, first-degree assault and use of a firearm in the commission of a crime of violence, Prince George's County Police Chief Hank Stawinski said.

“I am unable to come to our community and offer you a reasonable explanation for the events that occurred last night,” Stawinski said Tuesday evening.



  1. May have been Self Defense !!! Get the whole story first

    1. You can't truly be that stupid.

  2. Something is amiss with this one?

  3. Eh, cop was nonwhite, this will disappear from the news cycle quickly.

  4. Something amiss? Let's see, the man had his hands cuffed behind his back and was seat belted in the front seat of the cop car. A ruckus started and instead of just getting out of the car, the cop put 7 rounds into the man.
    First he claimed that the man was on PCP. Nope, no PCP. Heck, even the Chief knew this was a bad shooting. The next morning, he was charged with murder.
    2nd suspect he has killed, by the way.
    The family has already hired a big time Baltimore lawyer.

    1. Here we go with the expert that reads five lines and knows everything that happened and how to handle it. Lol. Cops are getting arrested weekly but cases fall apart when it goes to court. You have never and will never be in a struggle for life with your duty weapon. You chose a safe cute job and that’s OK. STAY in your SAFE lane. Thank you.

  5. 7 shots was Overkill !!!

  6. A Legend in his own mindJanuary 29, 2020 at 9:01 PM

    For a minute I thought it was Midget Deputy dog Little Lewis...

  7. I had a pos grab my weapon seated in front, handcuffed double locked behind him with seat belt. He reached around grabbed it and hit the thumb release. I was able to keep it secured and open my door and fall out of my vehicle to get distance from the nut. Idk what happen here but criminal charging him without dna testing is sad but it’s 2020. My holster is triple retention and probably saved my life. 150 dollar holster that I paid for myself however departments are now covering the cost.

  8. 7:07 Hands cuffed behind his back. End of story.

  9. Yeah, the old "feared for his life" defense. From a cop that shoots a suspect handcuffed behind his back, and seat belted and shoulder strapped in the passenger seat. Then he fires 7 rounds into him, instead of just getting out of the cruiser. Going to a tough one to convince a jury. He will have a few years of solitary confinement so he won't have to "fear for his life" while in prison. He'll be in his safe place then. And the public will be safer with the cop behind bars. Information is coming out about this officer's previous shootings, with one causing another suspect's death. Staring to look like this guy was a little paranoid of suspects, or at the least, a little trigger happy. Should have been psychologically tested after the other shootings and removed form the force, or given remedial training. Funny, already cops are making up reasons why they would do the same thing. That's why cops can't investigate cops. They cover up for the bad ones, which makes them all bad.

  10. May have been Self Defense !!! Get the whole story first

    January 29, 2020 at 7:07 PM:

    I don't need the "whole story" first. The suspect was handcuffed behind his back and lap & shoulder belted to the seat, and is all I need to know whether a crime was committed. Self defense???? What, are you crazy? The police chief listened to his cop's story, and even he didn't believe it. He had a bad cop on his force, and now he is dealing with it. Starts with charging the cop with the crime.

  11. Can't blame the White man this time !!!

  12. Worst case of suicide I have heard of!

  13. I transported many criminals with handcuffs on during my decades of service

    Never did I place a 10-95 in the front seat with me

    He or she was always placed in the back, behind a metal caged screen

  14. Maybe he ate the officer's Pop-Eyes chicken sandwitch !!

  15. Even if the suspect did flip around and get his hands on the officer's gun, he was not successful. What did he do then use Jedi Mind Control and commit suicide?

  16. Black suspect dissed the black cop. His animal instinct required him to kill the suspect to retain his honor. He has to plead temporary insanity. That the suspect disrespected him so badly (maybe the testimony will reveal the suspect called him the "N" word)he temporarily lost his mind and reflexively pulled the trigger seven times before he realized what he was doing. Don't rule anything out. Lawyers come up with the craziest theories in the defense of their clients.

  17. He or she was always placed in the back, behind a metal caged screen

    January 30, 2020 at 7:36 PM:

    Part of the facts that have already been disclosed is that that officer's cruiser DID NOT have a caged partition. Why doesn't a cop with decades of service not know that it is common practice to load a suspect in front when there isn't a caged partition in the cruiser? And why is a cop blaming the cop? Something in your comment smells bad. Can't quite put my finger on it....I think I know, but I won't say it.

    1. 251

      you must be one of those prescription Marijuana users
      your PARANOID

  18. What an idiot! No excuse or explanation can explain this morons behavior. A suspect who you’ve arrested and is handcuffed is your responsibility to keep safe as long as he is in your custody. Good luck in prison!


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