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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Now It Makes Sense...


  1. One thing is for sure, President Trump has truly caused the democrats to come out of the closet and show the American people how they really are, particularly Nancy Pelosi. This exposure should serve the American people Wellington assisting them in their decision to align themselves with President Trump’s goals, actions and those of the Republican Party.

    Go President Trump!

  2. nancy Was Out Of Control
    So Childish

  3. I was actually wondering last night if the version that he gave Nancy might be different in some way than the one the he read. This shows that someone else was thinking that too!!

  4. Envy is a terrible thing, Nancy.

  5. Nancy is tired of losing, losing, losing!

  6. How'd we all feel about Trump shaking everyone's hand, then dissing Nancy and turning his back on her?!

    1. if I was to shake her hand i would have squeezed her hand so hard her eyes would have popped like Schiff

    2. I feel she got exactly what she deserved 1036

  7. The whole thing was marvelous. President Trump's address was the best. I agree with all comments about NP. Absolutely childish and disrespectful. I must add, though, that I was sorry he did not shake NP's hand in the beginning. My husband disagrees with me but I feel he stooped to her level. I would love to hear other opinions on this.

  8. I don't think I would shake the hand of the snake trying to get me fired. She is not competent enough to shovel up poop from her district. Think about the wife & son that Trump brought to the event last night. The wife lost her husband and child lost his father in the war, what do you think that kid was thinking when she ripped up the speech which mentioned the personal sacrifice his father made? It shows how little thought she gives to doing anything good. Destructive, that's a good word to describe her!

  9. That was the NAIL IN HER COFFIN !!!! Glad she is EXPOSED

  10. That should REMOVE HER from congress immediatley !!!!

  11. That was great. Wish I would have thought of it. Or better yet that President Donald John Trump did!

  12. Next thing you know she'll be stealing from a children's cancer charity.

  13. President Trump was right in NOT shaking NP hand. Look how she did her hand shaking last time. Now that was a snub. Would you shake your supervisor's hand if he spent 3 years critizing and trying to fire you - well? He just skipped the hand shake with VP and NP - that's all😂

  14. She was supposed to according to protocol do a different announcement to the president no matter who that, is so she dissed him first, and all the loathsome remarks she has made about him since 2016 she got her just desserts. And to add icing to her foolishness I imagine she will now be the most hated woman in this country even more than Hillary.

  15. 2:06pm she would have to knock Hillary out of the way after the hildabeast was there first.

  16. Trump should go on TV tonight & TEAR-UP the
    Impeachment Papers !!! LOL LOL That would be Funny !!!

  17. I want Trump to Pass out the Golden Pens now on TV after being Fully Aquitted !!!!!

  18. Thanks for all the great replies here! Hah! Love yours, 5:45!

  19. Get her some more Poly-grip !!!!

  20. She thinks SHE is the POTUS !!! Wrong Dugh !!!

  21. Love it when Demon-crats get Caught on Video & TV !! Gotcha

  22. Trumps numbers are UP UP UP & the enemy Democrats get
    ALL the credit !!!! Thank You

  23. Go ahead > Impeach him again > I know you want to !!!

    Guarantee a Landslide Victory 2020 for Trump > go ahead !!!

  24. We Voters are Not Stupid & we have been watching the
    whole Coup attempts by Democrats !!!

    Now we Know who needs to GO !!! To begin with > Pelosi
    Schumer Schiff Nadler > YOU are FINISHED > Toast !!!

  25. After her purposefully poor presidential introduction, her extended hand was just as disingenuous.

  26. She TIMED the damn HAND just right , just so she could blame
    Trump for Not shaking it, Knowing damn well he was turning &
    would Not see it !!! FACT

    Watched it myself & he didn't shake V.P's either to prove it !!!!

    She had to find SOMETHING else to blame him for > All a LIE !!

  27. Good damn thing her Hand is Not on the Nuclear Button !!!

  28. If Democrats don't even care how they act on camera on Tv
    you can only imagine what goes on Off-camera !!!


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