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Wednesday, February 05, 2020

MSNBC Contributor: 'The Iowa Caucus Is Essentially the Perfect Example of Systemic Racism'

MSNBC Political Analyst Zerlina Maxwell blasted the Iowa Caucus as the "perfect example of systemic racism" in the aftermath of the state's Democratic party disastrous handling of Monday's voting, which the results still have not been released.

Maxwell and the MSNBC panel was discussing the low turnout for the caucuses across the state. Entrance polling showed 35% of Iowan voters were caucusing for the first time, as opposed to 44% in 2016.

"Democrats have long leaned on President Trump being a motivator for voters. Those number don’t bear that out. Should that concern Democrats?" host Craig Melvin asked.



  1. Funny how these pus**es always run to the race card when they fail and are desperate

  2. It sounds like in these caucuses, you have to show up at a certain time and stay there for a while to congregate with your candidate's supporters to be counted. Then if that number is too low, you have to move to your second choice's group. Some people may not be able to go at that designated time or have the time to stay there for hours. With regular voting, you can go any time of day when it suits you and it doesn't take very long. It seems like you would get a lot more show up that way.

  3. It seems that most of the commentators on CNN and MSNBC have some sort of TBI or botched brain surgery. I'm amazed at what comes out of their mouths'.

  4. Nothing wrong with white people standing up for their race

  5. Trump 2020 baby !!! MAGA Iowa > Don't matter -Irrelevant

  6. 12:55 OH , in this Politically warped country Nowadays ,

    Whites are Always the Racists & Wrong no matter What !!!

    Thank your Democrats !!!


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