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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Michael Bloomberg once said non-New Yorkers were inferior to city residents

New York City dwellers are often ridiculed for thinking they’re the center of the universe.

It’s a sentiment satirized in the famous “View of the World from 9th Avenue” illustration that graced the cover of the New Yorker in 1976. But in Michael Bloomberg’s case, he seems to believe it.

“We really are better than everybody else,” Bloomberg told the West Side Chamber of Commerce to some laughs in 2001 during his first campaign to become the city’s mayor, according to the Daily News that summer. “We really are. I mean, the rest of the world is a disgrace compared to New York.”



  1. When the corona virus comes to NYC, Baltimore and Washington- and they flee to our countryside- DO NOT HELP THEM. These people spent thier entire lives convinced they are better than us country bumpkins. Let them starve.

  2. I agree with 9:31
    Especially goes to those snots in Boston and New England areas who have the arrogant attitude that they are Superior to everyone else!


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