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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Medal of Honor Recipient Leroy Petry Defends Trump’s Firing of Vindman

Medal of Honor recipient Leroy Petry defended President Trump’s firing of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman from the National Security Council (NSC) during a recent interview on Fox & Friends.

“I respect Donald Trump’s actions on escorting [Vindman] out of the White House because he, as a team player, he should have brought it up through the chain of command, and then blown the whistle if it didn’t get approved,” Petry said Sunday. He added:

And so exactly my insight is, I would’ve fired him too and said, “I can’t trust you on my team if you can’t bring me things that you don’t agree with.” And for Nancy Pelosi also calling him a hero, I think is a word that gets thrown around way too much. I respect his service, and I understand he’s a Purple Heart recipient, but being a Purple Heart recipient doesn’t make somebody a hero.


  1. Breaking chain of command is a punishable offense under the UCMJ. Revealing sensitive information without clearance from above is, too. Let's see some accountability, Army, what do you say?

  2. Fingers crossed he gets court martial-ed. They dont bother to tell you Trump reduced NSC by about 100 employees not just vindman commies.

  3. Should have had gallows built by now.....


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