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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Md. bill would ban plastic carryout bags from stores

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Plastic carryout bags would essentially be a thing of the past in Maryland if a bill in the General Assembly gathers enough lawmakers’ votes.

The bill would ban plastic carryout bags at the “point of sale” next year in July, require stores to charge customers a 10 cent fee per “durable” carryout bag — like paper bags — money that retailers would keep, and create a “Single-Use Products Workgroup,” according to a state legislative analysis.

At a bill hearing Feb. 11 in the House Environment and Transportation Committee, Delegate Jerry Clark, R-Calvert and St. Mary’s, asked the bill’s sponsor, Delegate Brooke Lierman, D-Baltimore, whether paper bags are better for the environment than plastic bags.

Lierman said paper bags are better, though the goal of her bill is to encourage bringing reusable bags to stores, limiting overall waste.

“You don’t go to the store without forgetting your wallet, and if we move this forward we won’t go to the stores without remembering our bags because people don’t want to pay (a bag fee),” Lierman said.



  1. Yet another dictator.

  2. https://www.change.org/p/wicomico-county-council-wicomico-county-maryland-for-second-amendment-sanctuary

    Joe this is a link for people that were asking in the other post. Thisbis for the people who don't have social media or want to continue to help. We want as many signatures as possible and you have a better reach than we do. Can you help please

  3. So I cannot have a plastic bag, to carry products I purchased, of which, probably 80% of are packaged in plastic. I agree, plastic is a huge problem. But you need to address the whole problem, not just make a feel good law to say you did something.

  4. I have 2 cats. What do I put their waste in? Maybe, just throw it out of a window?

  5. Plastic bags have their place but are overused. If I were a Democrat I would dictate - notice I said dictate because that's what they do. I would make every individual carry a reusable cloth bag or fined. Sound like Obama health care or lack thereof. It wouldn't hurt to carry reusable bags when grocery shopping etc. 😁

  6. Plastic bags suck anyway, I much preferred the paper bags used years ago. I wouldn't mind paying a small fee per bag, but ten cents is going overboard

  7. remember when plastic replaced paper, because paper was from trees?
    we have come full circle

    oh fyi, food lion does have paper bags, but you have to ask for them

  8. Now we go back to killing more trees for paper bags.

  9. Insane. More virtue signaling.

  10. Make paper bags from hemp. Farmers get to turn a buck, no trees involved.

  11. All my groceries will be in the cart I bring to the clerk. And the clerk can put them back in my cart. No bags required. It's nobody's business how I handle my groceries after I leave the store. But I'll certainly not pay for a disposable bag of any kind, paper or plastic. Back before plastic bags became all the norm, paper bags were used to bag the groceries in, and there was never a charge for them. Why should there be a charge now? Oh that's right, the government is involved....

  12. Then you will have to do like people have to do at Sam's Club. Take everything out loose and transfer it into whatever in your car. This is the reason I do not go to Sam's.

  13. No more FAST FOOD, since everything they do is either plastic or paper. Businesses close and economy suffers.

  14. The people that made the decisions on no paper bags were complaining about the environment and the killing of too many trees, now they just turn around their own stupidity and want us to get in line again.

  15. Plastic bags are recyclable! It says so on the bag. There are already systems in place to collect and recycle the bags at the stores that you shop at. Cloth bags are not recyclable, so when they break you make more trash.

  16. NO MORE LAWS and REGS. WE THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!! MOST of the senior prefer plastic bags as they are much easier to carry. We no longer need paper bags to cover our children's school books but we do reuse plastic bags in our homes. duh...YES; Food Lion gives us a choice and that's good. IF you want to purchase cloth bags to use over and over that's should be our choice as well. Aldi's only uses reusable bags. Still a choice to shop there. AGAIN; NO MORE LAWS AND REGS. PERIOD!!!

    1. Most senior do not prefer plastic

  17. Guess I could just bring my own plastic bags. I'm sure they are cheaper than 10 cents a piece when bought in bulk. Maybe an anti cloth bag slogan printed on the side.

  18. Cock roaches love paper.

  19. Our looking-for-something-to-legislate/regulate politicians wouldn't be doing this if people didn't allow the plastic bags to pollute the environment. I see them everywhere!

  20. February 20, 2020 at 7:34 AM:

    What's a "cock roach?" I'm not sure I want to know.

  21. February 19, 2020 at 1:51 PM:

    You can buy 1000 for a dollar from China.

  22. This bill sounds like one that was written by the retail trade lobbyists. Donate to the corrupt politicians' reelections, and get a bill passed that requires your customers to pay the retailer for the bags to put your goods in, instead of the retailers having to buy them themselves. Sweet (profitable) for the retailers, and screws the consumers. Ain't politics great? And the voters think the politicians represent them. Amazing!

  23. Retailers create the problem, get paid to solve it. See how politicians do it?

  24. What Annapolis doesn't understand is they will loose $ no one is going to pay anything for bags they'll just carry their own. This is just another $ thing not environment do you remember the reason why we went from paper bags to plastic was to "save the trees" and the environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. How about Plastic Condoms ???

  26. I will buy plastic bags by the gross on Amazon and bring them to the store with me. Incidentally, I use the plastic bags which I'm given at the grocery store to collect my dog's poop. Do the geniuses in Annapolis have a problem with that?


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