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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

JUST IN: Court hands Trump win in sanctuary city fight, says administration can deny grant money

A federal appeals court on Wednesday handed a major win to the Trump administration in its fight against “sanctuary” jurisdictions, ruling that it can deny grant money to states that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York overturned a lower court ruling that stopped the administration’s 2017 move to withhold grant money from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program, which dispenses over $250 million a year to state and local criminal justice efforts.

“Today’s decision rightfully recognizes the lawful authority of the Attorney General to ensure that Department of Justice grant recipients are not at the same time thwarting federal law enforcement priorities,” a DOJ spokesman said in a statement. “The grant conditions here require states and cities that receive DOJ grants to share information about criminals in custody. The federal government uses this information to enforce national immigration laws--policies supported by successive Democrat and Republican administrations.”



  1. You hear that Frosh and HOGAN get with the program and start removing these tax sucking leeches..NOT ANOTHER DIME OF TAXES ARE DESERVED UNTIL YOU COMPLY

  2. Cut off California now

  3. Courts need to Rule Sanctuarys are Illegal all 50 states !!!

  4. And right at the same time a bill is being considered in Maryland's House of Representatives that will make Maryland a sanctuary state. Perfect timing. Let's see if our TDS challenged legislators want to shoot themselves (and our state) in the foot. They are morons. Same goes for Mongomery County that is already a sanctuary county. Fight the federal governments enforcement of the Federal laws, and lose your federal dollars. Now THAT's as it should be! Go Trump! And the democrats can't figure out why Trump is so popular with the public, and they are not. Look at your democrat friends and neighbors. They are pathetic.

  5. Courts need to RULE the federal Govt is OVER state Govt's

    Proven in the Civil War , who's BOSS !!!

    Goes for Marajuana , Illegals , & anything else that pops up !!!!

  6. MAGA Teaching those Criminals a Lesson 2020 !!!


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