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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

'I'd like it to start over': Ginsburg challenges Equal Rights Amendment

One of the Supreme Court's most liberal justices questioned the validity of the Equal Rights Amendment, citing a ratification clause that could quash the decadeslong fight over the measure.

Speaking at Georgetown University Law Center on Monday evening, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she didn't think the ERA could pass through as-is because of language in the original amendment that stipulated three-fourths of all states must ratify the amendment by 1982.

"I would like to see a new beginning," Ginsburg told moderator Judge M. Margaret McKeown of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. "I'd like it to start over."



  1. And I'd like for her to retire and go home and rock in her rocking chair.

  2. Not her job to try and legislate from the bench

  3. Good luck with that old woman. You will never live long enough to see it. And SCOTUS can only rule on the constitutionality of whatever Congress passes. What she is actually saying is the amendment cannot pass constitutional muster now, as it was written originally. Constitutional amendments passed for ratification have time limits for a reason. It is now moot, no matter how many additional states ratify it.

  4. This woman sits on the Supreme Court of the United States, and she thinks her gender needs "equal rights?" I don't think she (or her gender) has been deprived of any rights, if she is where she is. Just go climb in the coffin already.

  5. February 12, 2020 at 2:36 PM:

    Certainly not. Why do you ask? Did I hurt your feelings Snowflake? I'm sorry, it wasn't my intent. Ginsberg's brain has shriveled up. If she's your hero, then that says a lot about you, not her. Worst justice on the court. She is the poster child for term limits for SCOTUS. She really, really needs to go, and give someone with a fully functioning brain a chance to rule on constitutional matters. She has one foot in the grave already.

  6. 3:23 could be more spot on!

  7. Honey, Let's face it, you are too old to start over.

  8. I wonder if she consulted her son Whistler?


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