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Monday, February 03, 2020

Hillary Clinton ended the practice of humble concessions: Goodwin

If past is prologue, the losing team in Sunday’s Super Bowl will swallow its bitter disappointment and graciously offer its congratulations to the winners.

Our politics used to be like that.

After Vice President Al Gore lost the 2000 presidential election by a 5-4 vote in the Supreme Court, he expressed his disagreement and frustration, but declared that “partisan rancor must now be put aside.”

“I accept the finality of the outcome,” Gore said in a televised address. “And tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.”



  1. Seems Al is "a better man" than Hillary.

  2. Al Gore didn't lose the election by a 5-4 vote in the supreme court. He lost because George W got more votes.

    Al Gore wanted to recount and recount and recount until the outcome went his way. The court stopped the endless recounts,

    B.T.W. Newspapers counted the votes in Florida 5 times after the election was over and George W. won each and every time.

  3. 419
    You aren't very bright are you?

    You are voting on an ATM that does not dispense a receipt.
    Wake up man

    This is the most corrupt government to ever exist

  4. 5:27

    The votes in Florida were cast using punch card ballots.

    Ever heard of the hanging chad term?

    You aren't very bright obviously.

    7:13 In an attempt to prove that the election went for Kerry, after the election was certified, the news media paid to recount the votes over and over trying to discredit Bush. It didn't work.

    Do you people study history at all or isn't there a phone app for that?


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