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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

God using coronavirus to soften hearts in China

As 11 million residents in the Chinese city of Wuhan remain frantically under quarantine from coronavirus, Christians are now the symbol of peace, life and hope – in a place that used to treat them as a plague threatening Communism.

In a letter posted by the HeartCry Missionary Society, a local Christian identified as "Pastor Z" relayed a message of hope in a city that previously treated believers as something to be eradicated.

But with the onset of coronavirus, Christians are embraced as new-found beacons of safety and tranquility in a contaminated region otherwise drowning in panic, death and despair.

"Now it is the 10th day since the city has been separated by quarantine, and protective masks are the most valuable thing in Wuhan, [as] money is useless because you can't find a store that sells the masks," Pastor Z shared from Wuhan in a letter published Friday by HeartCry Missionary Society. "People are in a desperate situation, [so] in response, our brothers and sisters preach the gospel and give out tracts and free masks."

They are offering living water in a godless region contaminated with a deadly virus and the atheistic worldview of Communism that demands praise and allegiance to the government – not to God.

"They are sharing the word of hope and comfort from God," Pastor Z expressed. "They have become more and more favored in the city – even in the authorities' eyes."



  1. Don't speak for God unless quoting something from a book that is ascribed divine.

    Then at least you have something in writing to point to and not your own woefully obtuse point of view.

    The same rhetoric could be said to someone whose child was murdered as if a creator exists then all is done with its permission.

    It may very well be true but you as a human have no place nor moral standing to make the declaration.

    Specifically to Christianity this style rhetoric is why people dislike Christians. You aren't bearing witness, you are exploiting a tragedy in a misguided attempt to propagate your religion.

  2. 807pm....better start praying for mercy now...your gunna need it.

  3. 8:07 - wow, little buddy. You need some Jesus in your life. You’re depressing as hell.

  4. notice how the protesting has stopped? corona convenience.

  5. Even suggesting something like this is gross. To pretend to know the mind of God.

    How many people have died? Families without loved ones? Children without parents? Parents without children?

    What a HORRIFIC way to work... and to suggest that this is the way an all powerful deity would go about his business... when without any effort he could simply change the hearts of the Chinese leadership?

    The suggestion here is gastly, and insulting to the families that have suffered, and it's insulting to God to suggest so.

  6. Please, don't distort my faith. Please stop attacking Christianity. Thanks, everyone. I am grateful for the comments before mine.

  7. It isn't your faith. You don't own it. You simply adhere to it. In America, the same as Judaism and Islam your faith has no special protections from critique no recognition above any other.


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