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Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Giuliani: Trump should '100%' investigate Biden after Senate acquittal

Rudy Giuliani wants President Trump to move ahead with an investigation into his political rival Joe Biden after he is likely to be acquitted by the Senate.

"Absolutely; 100%," Giuliani, who is Trump’s personal lawyer, told NPR. "I would have no problem with him doing it. In fact, I'd have a problem with him not doing it. I think he would be saying that Joe Biden can get away with selling out the United States, making us a fool in the Ukraine."

Giuliani, 75, was a central figure in the events that led to Trump’s impeachment on charges of obstruction of Congress and abuse of his office in December. The former New York City mayor was part of a pressure campaign to get Ukraine to investigate the former vice president and his son Hunter, who was on the board of a Ukrainian gas company.



  1. MR Trump’s bosses (same as Biden / DuPont bosses) will let him know if they plan a scene in the script for the investigation. Let’s all remember, Mr Biden (DuPont) said and did exactly what he was told to say and do.

  2. And the rest of the Democrats !!!! Oust them !!!!

  3. Both Biden's need a full scale investigation just like the Dems did with Trump. The whole thing in the Ukraine leave no stone unturned, both Bidens and then a trial and charges for their crimes and where every cent went. Also it has to have touched Obama and not sure he wasn't behind the whole cover up with both. Obama's hands aren't clean and get to the bottom of the whole birth certificate thing he was not the first American Black President he was the first Arab President. Clean the swamp.

  4. Full Authority to do so , Trump is the Chief Law Enforcement
    Officer of the United States !!! Like it or Not !!! Fact

    Tuff for Biden !!! If you can't do the Time, Don't do the Crime !

  5. Intelligent Agencies should investigate Schiff and Nadler dealing with other nations and the traitors in our government. There should be enough proof to treat them as traitors to the US since they promote lies and false info that comes from spies of other countries.

  6. Senate or House need to Investigate BIDENS !!! Both of them

  7. Investigate Pelosi's son & Biden's Daughter too !!!!

  8. Don't forget the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One.

  9. and Pallets of cash from Obama to Iran !!!

  10. Plane loads of cash to a Known ENEMY & Nothing Happens !!!

    How would it go if Trump had done that ??? Big Difference

    Hillary gave 23% of America's Uranium to Russia Nothing !!!

    Biden got Millions from China / son got Millions from Ukraine
    Nothing !!!!

    Don't tell me SOME are Not above the LAW >> They are !!!


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