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Sunday, February 02, 2020

Fox News Cuts Away from President Trump’s Impeachment Defense

Fox News cut away from President Donald Trump’s defense in his Senate impeachment trial several times on Monday in favor of panel discussions or interviews rather than the live feed of the proceedings.

Fox spent much of the 5 p.m. EST program hour with its popular panel discussions show, The Five. Later, it cut away during The Story with Martha McCallum for interviews with former Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Ranking Member on the House Judiciary Committee Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), among others.

Video footage of President Trump’s legal team making their arguments continued to play, but the audio was muted.

Other, competing cable news networks — including those openly hostile to President Trump, including MSNBC and CNN — remained with the live video and audio feed from the floor of the U.S. Senate, as they had done during the House Democrat impeachment managers’ opening arguments against the president last week.



  1. They bring on republicans and show then Shifts performance but don’t let them answer questions or comment on the tapes. Tucker and sometimes Graham is all I can watch. Fox is a joke. Msm all say the same thing about everything. One brain.

  2. CBS, ABC, NBC and even PBS (Maryland Public Broadcasting) cut away during the break @2:55 to meaningless regular programming and did not return. I don't have cable so had to go online to hear Pam Bondi. And what a brilliant amazing job Pam did!

    What the hell is wrong with the disgusting arrogant liberal media? Traitors! Why are they so hellbent on destroying this Country? This is a political war we cannot afford to lose. Socialism.... or Freedom! Lose all.... or win all!

  3. Chris Wallace and Juan Williams need to join Sheppard Smith at MSNBC or CNN anywhere but Fox!

  4. Just like ole’ Georgie at ABC.
    They were all TOLD to cut away.
    Media coup to sway public opinion, in support of the DNC.

  5. Chris Wallace has let is inner libtard take control.
    I can't stand to watch him with his gotcha questions to Republicans and his constant interruptions when the Republican starts making points.

  6. Actually the POTUS defense team sunk and debunked the House Manager's case on day one, Saturday. The rest is merely icing on the cake with former Clinton case Ken Starr and Alan Derschowitz (sp) testimony. Juan Williams is paid to be the counterpoint and Chris Wallace drills down no matter who or what the subject. FOX...fair, balanced, and unafraid. The House Managers have nothing of substance that would be supported in any court. The 6 "on the fence" senators are the bait to keep the suspense in high gear and Bolton's "revelation" is a nothing burger.

  7. 6:55 I know, I hate when my ideas are challenged. Why can't I just live in ignorance like everyone else?!

  8. Yes I saw that & they would Not do that when the damn
    Demon-crats were on with their turn !!!

    Guess this station has gone Biased too like the others &
    bought off by Demon-crats !!!!

    Bill Hemmer needs to shut the hell up & stop Interrupting the
    guests on there too !!!!

    Stop cutting in on our Republican Defense in the Senate !!!!!
    I also notice the other Biased stations NEVER report on the
    Good & Facts that POTUS lawyers have brought to the Senate , which Buries the Farse case of the Demon-crats !!!!

  9. Something HAS to be done about BIASED NEWS in America !!!

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Those of you who are as aggravated with our fake news media and want answers to what is happening, go to the website Occidental Observer and read : “Ways of seeing: Who Determines Your Reality”. It is an eye opener and reveals the most significant threat to our freedom and to the plots to destroy our country. Seriously, read it and you will be shocked. Again, facts with footnotes and comments that can not be refuted.


  12. Switch to OAN(one america news).


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