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Friday, February 14, 2020

Flu warnings after 25 people die in Maryland


  1. Anti-vaxxers this is your chance to go to China and prove everyone wrong!

    1. How would we prove everybody wrong?
      It makes no sense.

      I don’t believe in the vaccine / abortion industry. So I should visit China and expose myself to a bio weapon from Huwan?

      Is it because they grew the bioweapon on aborted fetus tissue? How does that prove my position to be wrong?

  2. February 14, 2020 at 10:03 AM:

    Must make you steaming hot to watch the "anti-vaxxers" save the money and risk of vaccine reactions, by not getting the vaccination, AND STILL DON"T GET SICK! Just burns you up, doesn't it?

  3. 10:03--
    Moot point since this is a new virus.

  4. I get one every year. I haven't had any reaction nor the flu so I guess I will keep getting them. As Trump would say "What do I have to lose." I'm at risk if I don't and probably at risk if I do. 🤔🤔 Get a flu shot.

    1. Flu shots vaccines are developed a year in advance for the type of flu researchers think might become active.

  5. The flu shots are more dangerous than the flu.

  6. Just say NO to flu shoots. period

  7. CNN ran a short piece that stated that the flu that is prevalent in not one that the shot is intended to prevent. So basically it is useless against the current flu in America.

  8. My father always told me to never get a flu shot, it's the government's way of population control. Have never had one and have thankfully never had the flu.


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