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Monday, February 10, 2020

Expel Mitt: Romney has no place in today’s Republican Party

Sen. Mitt Romney shocked America this week when he announced that he would vote for the conviction of President Trump for abuse of power.

As Romney himself noted in his speech, Trump is the leader of the Republican Party. By voting to oust the president, Romney indicated he has no confidence in its leadership, nor any loyalty to the party as an institution. This decision, as demonstrated by Romney’s subsequent media tour, was born rather more out of pride than principle and should result in devastating consequences — including but not limited to censure and expulsion.

Though former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential prospects have dimmed following the Iowa caucus results, it remains a very real possibility that Romney would endorse his friend, should he emerge as the Democratic presidential nominee. Despite how evident it was that Biden and his son abused their power and influence for financial benefit, Romney praised Biden as a “man of honor” as recently as October.



  1. You don't want to push him to become a Dem. You need to continue to marginalize him and boost someone to challenge him when his term is up.


  2. They can't just 'throw him out of the party'.

    He has as much right to call himself a Republican as anybody else (including John McCain, Larry Hogan, etc.)

    1:00 has it right.. he should have ZERO status in the party, and hopefully he will find the door on his own.

  3. Mitt is going to be Joe Biden's VP pick.

  4. Who cares😝. Trump 2020🇺🇲🇺🇸

  5. there is no GOP- there is only the Trump party.


  6. Mitt is a marginal Republican philosophically but he is a R on the books and it wouldn't be wise to force a change because his voting D on later issues might be a problem.

    He knows he stepped in it; his voters back 'home' know it, and if he plans to seek reelection he'll need to convince them in the ensuing years that he got the message.

    So it would behoove Republicans to not perpetually revisit the issue.

  7. Romney is acting from his anger at losing the presidency. He is voting with his emotions. Anger from his loss, resentment, jealousy and hatred towards President Trump.


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