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Friday, February 14, 2020

Environmentalists, Shore officials oppose Conowingo settlement

The Conowingo Dam controversy isn’t settled just yet.

Environmental groups and some rural Maryland officials are calling on federal regulators to reject the deal that the state has reached with the owner of the Conowingo Dam to address the harm the hydropower facility has caused to the Susquehanna River and the Chesapeake Bay. Spurred by that opposition, a bipartisan group of state lawmakers is making a bid to block the agreement through legislation.

Nearly 60 comments, the vast majority critical, have been filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission concerning the dam relicensing agreement announced in late October between the Maryland Department of the Environment and Exelon Corp. Along with a petition bearing more than 600 names, they argue that the settlement falls far short of remedying the ecological harm the dam has caused in the lower Susquehanna River and Upper Bay.



  1. complete and utter failure of the maryland democrats including pos hogan! but I'm sure they'll all blame it on trump! meanwhile the recreational fisherman and boater takes it in the ass!

    "MDE believes Maryland’s citizens and the Chesapeake Bay are best served by the proposed settlement,

    Exelon, in its response, notes that the settlement has the support of the U.S. Department of Interior and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Pennsylvania state agencies responsible for protecting the environment and fish populations and the Susquehanna River Basin Commission."

  2. Conowingo Dam creates zero pollution and is not there to be a filter for the Chesapeake Bay

    1. 9:06. When they opened up that dam all at once last year the sudden release of fresh water into the bay killed most of the shellfish North of the Bay Bridge.
      I do get what you are saying and Maryland should be demanding that the Federal government step in and make Pennsylvania liable for the pollution they are dumping into our bay.

  3. Environmentalists secretly trying to turn the bay in oc to aquatic farms stopping all boating and recreational activities,be aware.

  4. No much shellfish north of the bridge


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