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Wednesday, February 05, 2020

'Disingenuous': AOC rebukes Trump for honoring 'virulent racist' Rush Limbaugh with Medal of Freedom

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasted President Trump's decision to award Rush Limbaugh with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Trump granted the honor to the longtime conservative radio host on Tuesday night during his State of the Union address — just one day after Limbaugh revealed he had been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. The president called Limbaugh "a special man, beloved by millions of Americans," and then had first lady Melania Trump present him with the award.

Ocasio-Cortez, who decided to skip the president's speech before both chambers of Congress, addressed Limbaugh's honor during an Instagram Live video.



  1. who cares what this bar whore thinks?

  2. America used to be smart enough not to vote for morons like her.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: First let me say that I do not listen to Rush because my opinions regarding Pedomarxist democrats has been consistent for as long as I can remember. His analysis of their activities and their deceitful practices has always been dead center. I once had faith that he would contribute to the downfall of evil democrat politicians, however, ignorant, low information democrat voters who put bill clinton and Barack Ocongo in office for two terms each destroyed any form of optimism I ever felt. He once said that liberalism is a mental disease and I agree plus taking it one step further. There must also be a genetic component that appears in their DNA that makes them easily manipulated and misled. Pedomarxist democrat politicians have developed the skill sets to be able to tap into that deficiency and secure political support for their evil causes. Make no mistake, the Pedomarxist democrats are determined to press forward with their cultural Marxist agenda no matter what. Occasionally they overplay their hand like with the impeachment’s circus but they are determined to destroy every facet of Christian European culture both here and in Europe starting with the massive invasion of Foreign cultures that can not and will not assimilate.

  4. WHO cares what she says !!! She is IRRELEVANT !!! Toast

  5. Rush deserved this, and I never listened to a broadcast he made that didn't leave me happy. He broke open the door to our now internet pundits and podcasters who now enriched our lives. Thank you, Rush!

  6. She hasn't even been around long enough to even know anything about Rush

  7. AOC is an opporunist - she will say anything to get attention. Just like not showing up for the SOTU. She knew it would make headlines. A Bernie supporter because of the attention Bernie receives when offering his FREE Stuff speaches. Time to drain the swamp.

  8. Rush Revere should be mandatory reading for Md. education employees. Especially principals and teachers.


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