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Monday, February 24, 2020

Democratic panic over Sanders reaches fever pitch as socialist candidate cements front-runner status

Tensions between Democratic Party loyalists and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders are reaching a boiling point as the democratic socialist cemented his front-runner status for the party's 2020 presidential nomination.

Ahead of his decisive victory in the Nevada caucuses, Sanders tweeted out a message that has been a central theme in his campaign: "I've got news for the Republican establishment. I've got news for the Democratic establishment. They can't stop us."

Such a message, though pivotal to his campaign and adorned by his supporters, sparked anger among traditional Democrats across media and politics. With strong Sanders showings in the early voting state contests so far, multiple candidates in the Democratic field have begun ripping the Vermont senator for his ideology of socialism, which they claim is not representative of the public.



  1. Get ready all you rich people who makes over $100,000 a year. Bernie is coming to take it away.

    1. 912 bernie can't take it away if he doesn't win

  2. I don't understand why people support a system that suppresses the poor common people but has somehow brainwashed people like 9:12 into thinking the rich need our sympathy. People should not be bankrupted by their medications. Children shouldn't be going hungry.

  3. democrats are feeling the bern! lmao!

  4. Hildabeast is probably shopping for pantsuits as she is getting ready to enter the race.

  5. I'm voting for Burnie. He said Coors Light will be free after he is elected.

  6. IMO, Senator Sanders should not even be in gov't let alone POTUS, being he is a self-admitted SOCIALIST.


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