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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Could New Hillary E-mails Lead to Criminal Charges?

After a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit produced yet more e-mails this week from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — indicating that she had even more classified information transmitted on her unsecure and non-government server — calls are being raised for Clinton to face criminal consequences. Clinton previously escaped any criminal sanctions in July 2016 when then-FBI Director James Comey announced he would not seek any such sanctions.

But now that Comey is no longer in a position to save her from criminal liability, these newly discovered e-mails have led to speculation that she could face a new — and real — investigation.

Judicial Watch released 37 pages of new Clinton emails that had been found by the FBI after the FOIA request. Also found were text messages used by Clinton to conduct government business, which is also illegal.



  1. Don't get your hopes up.

    1. Exactly. Give it up, pleeeeeeaze.

  2. Hang her or put her in prison, whichever , doesn't matter, just get rid of the corrupt witch.

  3. The Bush's the Clinton's the Obama's they are all over the damn headed towards the Sunset like Reagan. What don't you butt hurt people get ? We are moving forward.

  4. Emails, Shemails, reeports, investigations, I've heard it all too many times. Can we just throw the bimbo in jail and throw away the key?

  5. Believe it WHEN I see it !!! Teflon Hillary so-far !!!

  6. No it won't. After all the sh!t that demon has caused that's crooked and illegal if she was going to be jailed she would have already been. That's the only promise Trump has not made good on is throwing that crooked lying traitor tyrant into prison along with her pedophile husband

  7. Does anyone really believe Hilllary is going to jail?

  8. Hillary died Sept 11, 2016

    Wake up


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