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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Coronavirus death toll surpasses 1,000 as it killed more than 100 in the Chinese province at the outbreak's center on Monday - and horrifying map suggests thousands of travelers may have spread it from Wuhan to nearly 400 cities worldwide

A map showing just how the coronavirus could have been spread from the epicenter Wuhan has been compiled by researchers as the outbreak is revealed to have killed more 1,000 people the world over, according to data form the Chinese government released Monday evening.

A total of 103 people died in a single day in China's Hubei province on Monday - the highest toll recorded in any one 24-hour period since the outbreak began in December.

It comes the same day as World Health Organization (WHO) experts and scientists have finally arrived in China to help officials there contain and study the outbreak. That's now struck at least 42,729 people worldwide.

A map created by Southampton University researchers shows how 60,000 out of a total of five million people who have traveled out of Wuhan since the beginning of the outbreak and before the city was fully locked down have crisscrossed the globe.



  1. Be careful not to pop the bubbles on any package protections/bubble wrap. Most everything comes from china now, they should be handing out mask and gloves when you enter walmart...seriously. Research shows they dont have enough resources to test but only a few, simtums take weeks to show. There will likely be a serious spike in inflation cost on products because of shortages, everyone is quarantined and not working.

    1. What a Snowflake. Why dont you run out and get a hazmat suit. Best be safe and just stay home in your safe space.

  2. It's a biologic weapon. So it's going to get worse.

  3. I have gotten an email stating China admitted to lying about the number of infections.


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