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Wednesday, February 05, 2020

CNN Admits Poor Voter Turnout For Democrats, ‘There’s an Enthusiasm Problem For Democrats in 2020’

You know it’s bad when CNN admits there’s a lack of enthusiasm for the Democrats in 2020.

CNN writer and analyst for Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight website Harry Enten said Tuesday the Democrats have an enthusiasm problem heading into the 2020 presidential election.

Monday night’s disastrous Democrat Iowa caucus was just the beginning.

The poor voter turnout for the Democrats is a bigger problem for the left.



  1. No Wonder !!! Do Ya Think ??? Dugh !!!

  2. Great !!
    The democratic party has nothing to offer and people are finally starting to see that

  3. Hey liberals, come on over. Conservatives = rationality, decorum, respect, and prosperity through productivity.

  4. They are falling apart and losing members by the trainloads! BLEXIT! Welcome, friends of our Constitution! We LOVE you!

  5. Every Democrat running for President does nothing but attack President Trump - nothing about what they will do for the country. It is hate, take down Trump. I believe it is a contest among top Democrats to see who will be successful in removing Trump from office.

  6. Maybe they're trying reverse psychology this time: last time, they projected Lying Hillary to win so big, no one showed up. This time, try the opposite to excite their base.
    Bottom line... Republicans better show up in November!!!! It's our time to find dead people, illegal aliens, people with no ID, etc. LOL

  7. It's the year for Democrats to lift the veil and see the party with a dose of 2020 vision.

  8. Suppose Pete Buttigieg were elected President what would we call the man he is married to First Husband?

  9. Clinton News Network = CNN !!!! Fake News Network !!!!

  10. no wonder; their dilemma ... what POS should I vote for?


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