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Monday, February 10, 2020

Career criminal gunman seen handcuffed to his hospital bed after he 'shot two cops in separate attacks 12 hours apart' - as it's revealed he has an 'NYPD employee girlfriend' and is on PAROLE

A career criminal accused of carrying out back-to-back assassination attempts on Bronx police officers in the span of 12 hours is seen handcuffed to his hospital bed in photos obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com.

Robert Williams was taken into custody on Sunday after he allegedly opened fire on a police station in the Bronx shortly before 8am. He struck Lt Jose Gautreaux in the arm and narrowly missed other police personnel before the running out of bullets, lying down and tossing his pistol as he was swarmed by officers.

That attack came just hours after Williams approached a patrol van in the same part of the Bronx late Saturday and fired at two officers inside, wounding one before escaping on foot, police said.

In the hospital photos, Williams appears to be sedated with his right wrist handcuffed to his bed. His face is severely swollen and covered in dried blood from a wound on his cheek.



  1. Hope he does the Epstein thing while in incarceration...

  2. Handcuff that left writ, too.

  3. GITMO for De blasio.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Looks to me like a tune up that was suspended prematurely. He looks to be inappropriately healthy considering the fact that he was subdued by so many officers. They were either intimidated by fear of brutality accusations toward a minority or they knew that since he apparently threw his gun away, he was now an “unarmed black man” and a protected class.

  5. Any cop killer or anyone killed just doing their job I pray their killers are extinguished and never go back behind bars where some Democrat will just turn them loose with a slap on the wrist, or declare it was a mental one time thing.


  6. As he continues in custody, any chance the Jeffery Epstein Memorial Suite is available?

  7. Test him like a mad dog while tied up to the bed.

  8. You can't trust none of them.


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