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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Buttigieg vows his administration would stop punishing drug possession 'through incarceration'

2020 Democrat Pete Buttigieg vowed to end incarceration for drug possession, including in cases involving potentially lethal drugs like heroin.

"Isn't the fact that it's illegal to have, to possess meth and heroin, doesn't that at least in some way, the fact that it's illegal, act as sole deterrent to trying it in the first place?" Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace asked the winner of the Iowa caucuses over the weekend.

"I think the main thing we need to focus on is where you have distribution and the kind of harm that’s done," Buttigieg responded. "Possession should not be dealt with through incarceration."



  1. Very good reason NOT to vote for him. Trump 2020

  2. Drug addiction is a win win for all parties involved except for the user. Look at the money being made the government jobs and everything else surrounding drugs and drug addiction, politicians do not care about the addicted if so the drug trade could be stopped or at least slowed down drastically with the money and gold that was given to Iran. Keep drinking the koolaid and let the fox watch the hen house.

  3. Strict and harsh legal consequence and penalties is the ONLY way to seriously control the casual use of hard drugs.
    Forget about the hard-core users - you are not going to ever affect them or change their mindset on drug use.
    But to keep a high school or college-age kid from giving hard drugs a try a harsh penalty must be threatened.
    It's almost too simple: If you have Class A drugs in your possession in your car, you lose the car.
    That alone would pretty much convince 90% of teens from using.
    Penalties are the ONLY way to go - not the other way around.
    (Hard drugs only. I'm a proponent of legalized weed.)

  4. This Jerk can "BUTT - OUT " of any election in America !!!!

  5. He is a BUTT in his GIG !!!! No Chance of WInning !! LOL

  6. The irony is that heroin and fentanyl addicts are safest when they are locked up. Not that you can’t get drugs in jail or prison but the likelihood that the addict will die of a drug overdose plummets. So Butthead is actually endangering addicts by not having them locked up.

  7. In addition, imprisonment allows many addicts to get clean - something that is extremely difficult for heroin and fentanyl addicts to do on their own.


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