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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Bloomberg heard in 2015 audio clip defending ‘stop and frisk,’ throwing minority kids against wall: report

A newly-surfaced recording from a 2015 speech by Michael Bloomberg, in which the former three-term mayor of New York City gives a full-throated defense of the controversial policing procedure known as "stop and frisk," is threatening to undermine the 2020 presidential candidate's subsequent apologies for backing the policy and hurt his status with minority voters.

In an audio clip of a 2015 speech, the billionaire gave to the Aspen Institute, Bloomberg acknowledged that "stop and frisk," targeted minority "kids" who cops must throw "up against the wall" to disarm. The Aspen Times reported at the time that Bloomberg representatives asked the Institute not to distribute footage of his appearance.

"Ninety-five percent of murders- murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take a description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all the cops," he said. "They are male, minorities, 16-25. That's true in New York, that's true in virtually every city (inaudible). And that's where the real crime is. You've got to get the guns out of the hands of people that are getting killed."

Bloomberg also said urban crime-fighting required cities to "spend the money" and "put a lot of cops in the streets," particularly in "minority neighborhoods," where he said the crime is. He also acknowledged the "unintended consequences" of the policy.



  1. Can't stand him, but he's right.

    1. So true, just ask Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of nyc and Trump's personal lawyer

  2. Trump doesn't wait. He knocks them off before they get a "running" start. Just like Biden. Trump makes a phone call, with the willing risk he would be impeached, and the democrats drew their wagons around Joe to protect him and his family from prosecution for corruption. And that simple phone call exposed his inner circle of enemies, and brought tons of negative attention to Joe and his family. And just like that, Joe was toast before the first caucus, while Trump avoids removal from office and stronger in the polls. Either that man is the luckiest man alive, or he is genius. Trump is not playing defense. He is on the offense against his most likely rival for the democrat nomination before they even get on the ticket. I have a far different opinion of him today than I did in 2016, when I voted for him just because the Clinton crime syndicate couldn't be allowed back in the WH. I overwhelmingly support giving him 4 more years to keep doing what he is doing, more so now, than ever.

  3. If his support is going to come from openly racist people, he won't get on the ticket.

  4. He just couldn't bring himself to say the REAL truth --- most murderers are young black males (in the cities).
    hillary talked about "super-thugs" as she so referred to some criminals. BLACK criminals. Everyone knew who she was talking about....
    Bloomberg wants to pass out Xerox copies (!!) of murder suspects
    and goes on to say they are mostly "minority" (can't say "black", can ya??) and fit a pretty general description of blacks.

    The democrats want black voters, but behind their backs, their leaders are castigating and insulting them in language they would never use in public.

    They are rich. You don't think they ask the question "after over 50 years of free housing, free medical care, free education, free everything, you STILL live in ghetto's and kill each other like rats??". We can't ever give you enough, but we can PROMISE you the world; just vote for us!!
    Keep cheering.

  5. 2:09--
    As I understand it, the digging began before Biden announced his candidacy. Therefore, what he was accused of is false (shocker).

  6. THE ONLY thing he did RIGHT & should be done again !!!!


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