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Monday, February 24, 2020

Bernie Sanders defends 'not all bad' Fidel Castro as he stands by old remarks praising Communist Cuba and admits he's 'shocked' to be Democrat frontrunner during 60 Minutes interview

Bernie Sanders has praised Fidel Castro's 'massive literacy program', standing by comments he made praising the dictator's rule of Cuba in the 1980s.

The Democratic frontrunner and socialist, 78, defended the Communist regime as 'not all bad' during a wide-ranging 60 Minutes interview which aired Sunday.

During the interview, he told Anderson Cooper: 'We're very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba but you know, it's unfair to simply say everything is bad. You know?

'When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it?'



  1. This is going to turn into weekend with Bernie.
    The DNC will take him out cold.
    He’s going to have an overdose of beta blockers and go into cardiac arrest.
    The coroner will be bought.
    With his history, no one will be the wiser.
    Heart attack. Gone.

  2. I would bet that Bernie Sanders would not have 3 houses and millions in the bank under Fidel. Why doesn't he just go live on Cuba - nothing stopping him. 😝😝😝😝


  3. Bernie would ask the question:

    "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?"

  4. 12:53 - I think you're right.
    Why else wood Mini Mike consider having Hillary as his running mate?

    "Hey Hil'... Ya wanna be my VP? No problem. Just make Bernie disappear."

  5. LOL and exactly what is the problem with what he said. Oh I get it; partisan politics means make up any narrative you can based on a cherry picking of words.

    Whats funny. Trump is alot closer than any other POTUS in trying to exert 1-party rule and come after anyone not towing the party line. Yet the economy is doing good, so you guys totally turn a blind eye.

  6. That's exactly what the guy is thinking after putting his wife and kids into a leaky rowboat as they prepare to travel the Florida Straights for a better life. It's not that bad... yeah, right.

  7. 1:22 and 1:45, you are spot-on!

    I wish they had a "like" button here !

  8. I guess Hitler was not all bad either right?

  9. if Bernie believes so strongly in socialism - why doesn't he sell two of his 3 houses and give the money away. ALL of these so-called "socialists" are hypocrites. They want YOU to live that life - yet they don't!

  10. Yup Bernie there was a massive literacy program. Then if you exercised your newfound literacy by disagreeing with the regime you were marched out to a ditch and shot in the head. Feel the Bern.

  11. Anyone remember how good old Castro totally segregated and isolated AIDS patients.

  12. Bernie should go live in Cuba !!!

  13. i heard burnie was going to commit suicide. hillary told me so


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