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Monday, February 24, 2020

AOC’s war on fellow Democrats likely to eliminate her House seat

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wasn’t just supporting women in announcing a slate of seven House candidates who’ll get cash from her Courage to Change PAC: The key fact is that two of them are challenging incumbents.

Indeed, she and her allies are now targeting several longtime local lawmakers, on the theory that they’re every bit as much of a problem as Republicans.

“It’s time to elect a progressive majority in Congress accountable to strong, grassroots movements that push support for issues like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, racial justice, & more,” she tweeted Friday.

“My ambition right now is to be a little less lonely in Congress,” AOC told The New York Times.



  1. As entertaining she is, she has got to go

  2. With the Soros and Bloomberg money it’s very possible she will get more socialist seats. Honestly it’s the perfect stick in politics

  3. Get used to it you one time wonder your toast next election.

  4. Her ass is Gone Period , along with the Fab 4 & more !!!!

  5. Now THAT'S comedy!!

  6. Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you. Bye bye aoc, the mindless wonder.

  7. Snicker... she's out of a job, but boy look at all her Tweeter followers...

  8. Let Weiner have her for a wife !!!!


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