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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Another Major Breaking News Story Coming Soon

Just In: I have another major breaking news story tat has also been covered up coming very soon, this morning. I'm in the process of drafting it now. 


  1. When you post Stories like this, Great
    But give us something to look for.
    Like the Title of the breaking news.
    I am assuming the breaking story is about the Zoo in this case.

  2. I hope it’s the name of the SU racist

  3. I think the fact that Susan Purnell is quoted as saying since moving from the Plaza she "never knew business could be so good" should be highlighted. She certainly should know!!! Thanks for speaking the truth Susan! I'm sure the Day cronies will attack you, but you're strong and professional. They are ridiculous children thinking only about themselves!

  4. Hope it’s more informative than the simple legal notices posted yesterday about SPD!

  5. Those simple legal notices reveal that 3 officers have truthfulness issues that the wicomico SAO has had a memorandum on since 2012 and has apparently just disclosed for the first time this disclosure to a defendant. Which should have been done since 2012 for all 3 officers. So think about how many cases these officers have testified in due to the states attorneys office cover up and SPD not terminating the officers in 2012. Think about how many documents and charges and testifying these officers were allowed to continue to do by these two offices covering it up. I wonder who disclosed it now, that forced their hands to deal with it 8 years later. I seriously doubt this is the first Dykes has heard of this or that it’s the first that Duncan has heard of it. Someone opened their mouth and it couldn’t stay quiet anymore.

  6. Let’s see charges....

  7. I seriously believe that all Salisbury “leaders” from Day on down need to be forced to submit to a drug test.


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