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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Wicomico County Council Violates Their Own Charter (6-9-19)

Last night at the Wicomico County Council meeting the council declined the nomination of Michele Ennis as director of finance.   We have been told this is not legal that the County Executive is the only one that can appoint department heads according to the councils own charter. In that charter the council has no right to release her and or remove any compensation.  County Executive Bob Culver legally appointed her to that position.   Per the charter, education, qualifications and  merit are the classifications for this position.  Michele is over qualified to fill this position.  

What they are attempting to do is discriminatory, not professional and in fact was personal towards County Executive Bob Culver.  Michele remains on the job today and the only person that can remove her from that position is the County Executive.

To the Wicomico County Council.  What is your reasoning for declining this nomination?  She is more than qualified for this position.  Was this done out of spite? If so every one of you needs to be replaced.


  1. Wow! What was the final vote and how did each council member vote? I am a Republican & completely fed up with this council!

  2. I've been screaming for along time that this so called "council" should be eliminated. They just cause more and more chaos. They have no business with ANY "power" or decision making calls. Just ANOTHER bulls**t POLITICAL AGENDA...get over yourselves.

    1. Your neighbors voted for it when they didn’t read the ballot last Nov and voted yes to giving them this power. They didn’t violate their charter because voters stupidly amended it.

    2. The amendment omitted Department Head names from confirmation. That gave the Executive the power to appoint his own cabinet without council confirmation. Go online and read the ballot and summary amendments.

  3. They took it upon themselves to put her name up without the Executive. Sounds like illegal act. Fight them girl.

    1. There ain’t no fighting them to it. You all voted to give the council veto power over nominations. 71% of you voted yes probably because you didn’t read the amendments, you just voted out of laziness.

  4. Since when has any elected officials follow the laws or charters?

  5. Thank you for publishing this story. Council must be following the resist movement. Sad news

  6. WAY over qualified to even work for the county! Council should feel LUCKY to have her!

  7. 12:37 NO your not, becasue guess what??? If you were 100% truly fed up, you wouldn't allow it, you wouldn't take it anymore, but you do so you can keep jaw jacking all you like but you don't fool me...

  8. they didnt want someone in there to find out all the wrong doings


  9. I attended the Memorial Day Service at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center. While there I over heard gentelman speak to John Cannon...He stated why doesnt the Council work for the people instead of acting like the elected officials in Washington. I thought to myself..his name should be John Pelosi Cannon. Always putting down Bob Culver. I for one is tired of these council people putting Bob Culver down..he does a good job and by the book. If these councilman would do what they were elected for and cut the bull$hit.

    1. Why do you keep electing them? You know, it’s the VOTERS who vote for these people. They don’t just spontaneously appear out of thin air and take over the community. No, they are purposefully voted for by constituents. In the last election, I didn’t vote for ANY of the county council at large people because all four of them SUCKED. Quit voting for garbage and you will cease getting garbage.

  10. It is because she is an intelligent woman those guys can not stand it. I am gonna watch and see who voted against her and if my rep voted against her I am voting against him next time.

    1. Wrong wrong wrong. It has nothing to do with her intellect or being a woman. It has everything to do with the forensic audit and her calling Cannon out for his nonsense. She embarrassed Johnny and now he has gotten even. Don’t make this something it’s not. When she did the interview with the Independent in July/August 2017, she put her name in the bull’s eye. That’s life. She wanted to clear her name and in the process put herself in a precarious situation where eventually Johnny would find a way to get revenge.

  11. Concerned RetireeJune 5, 2019 at 5:08 PM

    John Cannon needs to step down ASAP. I knew his Father, a local Lawyer, and other family members. His father is rolling over in his grave and his family members are strongly against his crooked dealings.

  12. Anyone hear who will be appointed to the soon-to-be-vacant District 2 seat? There was at least one person who is big in real estate.

    (I was notified that I was not chosen. The county's loss!)

    1. 4 names were sent up today. Wait to you see who was included. Ha ha she has been on here and not for good reasons many of times .

    2. Whatever happened to Brewington’s DUI case? You all ran Ruark out of the SA position for having a DUI, so why is Julie bird any different? Is she using the sex card to skirt around her obvious incompetence to run her life without breaking the law? Julie has loose lips and she’s immature. Don’t you think the council has enough immaturity with Cannon? Why do you people insist on voting for people who have sub par intellect to run your community’s affairs? You guys pick the dimmest bulbs of society and then wonder why your community gets screwed up! Which is stupider - the dumb candidate or the people that knowingly vote for an idiot?

  13. Is there a list of who participated in this illegal vote to remove this person?

  14. If you watch the current Pac 14 council meeting you can see who declined to vote her in.

    Time to do away with executive form of govt! In this county between litigation monies and feeding a hungry public safety dept this county is broke in 10 years or less.

    Michele is the right pick for the job. She knows more about the ins and outs of 2 departments than all the rest of the employees combined.

    Just more WICOMICO DRAMA for surrounding counties to shake there head at.

  15. That's Doctor Ennis to you, Mister Cannon!


    1. 6:49- As always, a stellar comment. Sarcasm.

  17. How is it she has been in the Accounting profession for 15 years and is not a Certified Public Accountant?

  18. Well, is she going to remain in the job OR does someone else have to be nominated???

    As far as our council is concerned; CLEAN HOUSE, BUT not by electing Julie. GOOD People Must come forward and do their Civic Duty.

  19. There are those on that council that need replacing, it has been nothing since Cohen and Campbell aren't there. They stood for the right things and made sure every cent was accounted for no frivolous spending on their watch. Ennis should have the position and Culver should stand firmly behind her.

  20. "...it has been nothing since Cohen and Campbell..."

    Neither Terry Cohen nor Debbie Campbell were ever members of the County Council.

    1. @8:07 - stop confusing the idiots with facts. They will need their safe space.

  21. Look, we just can't lie, cheat and steal as long as this bi**h is in charge of oversight so we just plain have to get rid of her so we can keep the slime money flowing.


  22. I would love to hear their reason why. How can they just vote no and not say why? On paper she exceeds the qualifications. She is been there over a decade so why do they want her out now? Under two different administrations at least. What are they basing this on?

    1. You can thank the county residents that voted for the county council to have oversight on nominations. See this is what you get when you don’t READ THE DAMN BALLOT before voting for the crap the county council puts on it at the last minute. Ennis nor Culver have any legal standing when 71% of the county voters voted for the amendment to make it so. If you people would wise up and realize these age old tricks by Cannon and his little minions, you wouldn’t have this kind of crap happen. Smarten up!

    2. Isn’t our local news media also complicit with people not understanding these amendments that mysteriously appear on every ballot? Why isn’t wboc and wmdt doing a better job at informing residents of issues in their community?


  23. The current County Council is doing a very poor job of looking out for the best interests of citizens and the county.

    My last recollection of the jostling between some council members and the executive was over whether current directors kept their jobs or had to be renominated and reapproved. Everyone understands new prospective hires requiring council approval. And the goofy notion that previously appointed and confirmed directors need reapproval is bogus. Council can certainly initiate a discharge process if they are legitimately unhappy with a director's performance.

    The council members involved with drafting and approving the charter change should be under strong criticism; the convoluted change language should be repealed because it is injurious to good management of the public purse.

    On a related note, based on an earlier comment, it appears someone with a recent history of substance abuse has been forwarded for consideration for the coming council vacancy. If so, that person should not be chosen. There is little reason to consider them based on acumen or accomplishments, even without the substance issue.

    1. Can you tell us when the county council did anything but squat at the Division St office like a pack of damn frogs? They don’t do anything for anyone but themselves.

    2. The county executive position shouldn’t be abolished. He’s actually getting work done. It’s the council that should go by the way of the Whigs and be disbanded. They’re the ones creating unnecessary strife in the community.

  24. I moved employment from County to City a short time ago (before this mess began). Seeing all this chaos, infighting and power struggle crap, I'm glad I did.

    1. As if the city is any better? If you think it is, you’re not paying attention.

  25. June 5, 2019 at 7:05 PM

    Pull the stick out of your azz. Not everyone with a brain and decades of experience needs a degree. Sorry you feel the need to degrade her based on a lack of paper.

    Most of us degree-less professionals can run circles around you fake paper pedigrees.

    1. Only on your imagination. But you keep telling yourself that.

  26. June 5, 2019 at 5:15 PM
    Yes, I saw that and it also concerned me.
    Nice family, but do we really need another special interest group represented in either the city or county council?

    How about the special interest group be the citizens?

  27. 12:53 what substance abuse are you referring to here? You said now please specify what you imply.

  28. 2:31 selecting a person or not based on their job career would be discriminatory. So I should not have been had the opportunity because I scrub toilets?

  29. Anonymous said...
    Well, is she going to remain in the job OR does someone else have to be nominated???

    As far as our council is concerned; CLEAN HOUSE, BUT not by electing Julie. GOOD People Must come forward and do their Civic Duty.

    June 5, 2019 at 7:41 PM

    The people we NEED are too smart to ever pork in the public sector.

    1. How does it come to be that Julie the lush Brewington can run in District 2? Does she live in that district? If not, she has no business putting her fat ass hat in the ring. She’s a drunk. Hat do you need? Written instructions on why she’d make a crappy council person?

  30. Anyone who remembers summer 2017 knew this was going to happen. There was an amendment on the last election that was voted for by the people of Wicomico 71% that gives the county council this veto. While it’s a spite move on Cannon’s behalf (he’s as predictable as it gets) we all knew he would exact his revenge. Now Michelle can continue teaching and get tenure at SU (which is what she said she wanted) and john can have a momentary, fleeting win until people realize he’s abusing his power. No better than ignorants like Nadler and Pelosi, Johnny is now the Mit Romney of Wicomico county. Such an accolade no doubt.

    1. Why should she give up a job that she was recommended for by the former director which she is qualified for? Cannon in the independent article was quoted still use her!!! So it o to use her talent and not pay her what the former director was paid? I as a tax payer don’t want to pay the settlement but I hope he takes you for her 16 years of service ! This is blatant sexism. All those men taking her down to hurt culver. Shane in you esp cannon. You have been asked to your face why not confirm her and you have said nothing!!!!

    2. You have to remember Cannon is immature. If he were mature as an adult, he wouldn’t have started any of the battles he has. He has a pretty sweet deal if you really think about it, and he’s doing everything in his power to screw it up. The fact is this situation is not sexism. It’s pure politics. It’s pure vindictive behavior on Cannon and his little buddies’ part. Michelle is in an appointed position and with such position, she should always be prepared to vacate. It’s unfortunate because she is smart and has a handle on the gig but Cannon doesn’t like her either. Remember she embarrassed him in July 2017 with a threat of a lawsuit. Vindictive immature boys like Cannon don’t forget any infringement or imaginary slight. She busted him on his BS back then and now he sees this as a way to get even by embarrassing her. Sad.

      John’s real emphasis SHOULD be to make the county better. Help bring new businesses to the area, help cultivate a community. Instead, he’s squat pissing over nothingness in attempt to make himself feel like he has power, which he actually doesn’t possess. What do you expect. He’s short. Short men usually play these ploys to make up for their perceived inadequacies for being short.

      As for Michelle. No doubt she’ll recover and go on to better things with her life. If she’s smart as I believe she is, she’ll file this and move on to better vistas. The fact there is an amendment to the charter which voters idiotically voted for, sinks a lawsuit. John planned it that way and it worked like a charm. For now. But Johnny won’t bask in his illusionary glory forever as he’s proved to the community now definitively, he is not mature enough to be on the county council.

    3. She has no case for a settlement to even occur. The voters voted for council to have oversight on nominations in the last election. It was one of those wordy sections at the end of the ballot which most of you peeps didn’t even bother to read but voted yes without thought as to consequences. I read them both and voted NO because they were clearly there to take power away from the county executive. It wasn’t brain surgery to figure out but you all are too lazy to read anything longer than a sentence. If anything Michelle should sue the citizens of the county for putting her fate in children’s hands.

    4. Michelle is not alone. Paul Wilbur was also asked to step down as County attorney. Johnny made a list in July 2017 and he’s working through it. Surprised Culver hasn’t been framed by Cannon so he can oust him as well. You people kill me. You all act like Wicomico is some microcosm of DC, which comes with all the salacious drama and intrigue. Problem is, you’re not. This is so predicative it brings forth nothing but yawns. John, grow the hell up. You’re no delight as a councilman. And it’s the best gig you’ve ever had, quit screwing up and start doing your damn job. Get off the playground.

    5. 8:01 you are wrong because their self brought confirmation was void. The amended charter omitted department heads from council confirmation. Go read your ballot and election questions online. Education to this issue is important. Council can not even comprehend their own charter readings? They are wrong and will be proven wrong. Her issue is discrimination and retaliation amongst many other things. There was no cause for their actions. Hope she settles big as she brings the truth to the public. If anyone can and will accomplish this goal, it would be Ennis. Best of luck.

    6. Then why did Paul Wilbur go down without a fight? As the county attorney he knows the amendments and Charter through and through. Quit putting fake hope out there especially if you’re not going to foot the expensive legal bill that comes with such false hope.

  31. It’s interesting citizens are outraged by this when you all are ultimately responsible. It’s not like John Cannon wasn’t a known quantity when you re-elected him. All his feigned uproar over that idiot Culver fired two years ago should have been a clear indication that Cannon is only in government for a power trip. People who do this kind of thing are looking to keep their names in headlines. Nothing more. The truth is, at the end of the day, you created this by re-electing Cannon and his ilk in the first place. Why don’t you try voting responsibly for a change and see if your county improves?

    1. Can’t the same be said for the city? The Salisbury festival has displaced sever local businesses downtown for a whole week so people could have fun rides for three days when the parking lot across from the library was the traditional place for these rides? Had Day & co gone with tradition, most businesses wouldn’t have been inconvenienced but boy genius doesn’t have a clue (or care) who is effected by his governance. He just does whatever the hell he pleases and you peeps keep voting for him in spite of his obvious oblivion.

    2. My hairdresser told me the city does not offer downtown business owners parking credits. Why? They have all the money in the world for stupid events, so why don’t they foster small businesses downtown?

  32. Cannon was just quoted in the Salisbury Independent as stating, “Recognizing the fact that Ms. Ennis is continuing to work — even in violation of the County Charter — the executive could still choose to use her, and as such there shouldn’t be a shortfall in manpower in what he suggests as necessary. So I don’t understand his statement that the bond presentations can’t occur.”

    Cannon obviously still sees her doing the job. Is this just an attempted political embarrassment on Culver at her expense?

    1. A little of both. It is pure politics but it’s also to punish Culver and Ennis for fighting the council on the forensic audit after Ennis got her raise in 2017. They spoke out against the witch hunt Cannon was going which embarrassed him so he’s returning the gesture.

    2. If Michelle is as smart as I think she is, she go get that Assoc Professor Job in Accounting at SU being advertised and tell the county council to go pound sand.

    3. As many have encouraged, she needs to fight them and not let this pull her down. It is not in her nature to just walk away.

    4. Well then I hope she has a whole lotta money because she’ll need it.

  33. Without a finance director many things can NOT get done. Cannon needs to go. Joe and Larry I expected more from you two. You won't get my vote again. Muir just does what he is told to do.

    Without a finance director they can't make their bond presentation, Without bonds you don't get repairs at Beaver Run or Mardela.

    SORRY Mardela and Beaver Run you won't be getting your schools this year. You can thank the council for this debacle.

    1. This is what you get when you vote irresponsibly for garbage. Swamp politics. Vote for people who really care about the community and you’ll get a better community.

  34. Hey 6:09
    without a financial director they can continue to steal and cover-up .
    wic. county and the entire state of Md sucks , democrat rule . You people just don't get it , this nation has gone down hill after 8 years of obama brainwashing . It's a commin folks , ammo on sale at walmart , get while it last.

    1. Time for you to get back on your meds.

  35. Seems their like the Trump haters in government and doing as they please and not going by the law.

    1. This situation has absolutely NOTHING to do with the President. So why did you make such an idiotic comment?

  36. 11:25 you can’t see the council members are just like the Trump haters in government

    1. No. They’re only in government so they can cash in with their business interests. They make legislative decisions based on what will forward their own self interests. Trump has nothing to do with that. It’s all about their personal greed, power trips and egos.

  37. Johnny must be fixated or preoccupied with with this girl. She will be haunted and plagued by his spell if she does not conform to the world he believes to conquer.

  38. Stay strong Michele.

  39. John Cannon and Joe Holloway need to move on, they are a cancer on this county. Personal agendas are what they are about.

  40. Isn’t that Carl guy a GED drop out?

  41. This Crooked county Govt does wrong ALL the time !!!!


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