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Friday, January 10, 2020

White House: War Powers Resolution undermines U.S. Armed Forces ability to prevent terrorist activity

According to the White House, the War Powers Resolution passed in the House undermines the ability of U.S. Armed Forces to prevent terrorist activity from Iran. The Trump administration issued the statement Thursday, stating that the resolution is political, misguided and hinders the President’s right to protect the American people.

This comes after the legislation passed in the House Thursday, limiting the President’s powers regarding military action against Iran. The measure passed mostly along party lines in a 224-to-194 vote. House Democrats pushed for the resolution after claiming President Trump should have consulted with Congress on his decision to kill Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

The President commented on the issue while speaking at a “Keep America Great’ rally in Toledo, Ohio on Thursday. He pointed out that there tends to be a lot of behind-the-scenes corruption as well as leaks to the media.



  1. This resolution means absolutely nothing.

  2. Seems like these democrats care more about the terrorist and the illegals of the world than they do american citizens. Makes ya wonder if they had financial deals with iran like they do with ukranes bad guys. They sure do seem upset about loosing their friend.

  3. It's all in the plan. We can't act but the enemy can. By time Congress gets around to it we could be over taken

  4. Government's job is never to prevent bad things from happening.
    It is to respond to them once they occur.

    If we can't commit bad actions, then we are not free.
    Free Will implies the capability to DO what we will to do.
    We were created in God's image.
    We are like Him in that we are designed to be FREE

    Common Law (property law) is a political concept which closely aligns with Free Will.
    Under Common Law, the People were free to DO whatever they willed (desired) to DO so long as it did not interfere with another PERSON's freedom. So long as I don't hurt you, I can do whatever I wish. That is true freedom.

    We live under the illegal (unConstitutional) yoke of Statutory Law.
    Statutes (Edicts) were always issued by "Kings" who had domain (owned) the peasants of the land.
    Statutory Law is usually enforced by a Military.

    The US is an evil corporate Military Dictatorship.
    We know nothing about freedom.

    1. That's some good stuff there 5:55

  5. The democrats are more of a terrorist threat to the USA than Iran

  6. You saw how long it took to get the new trade agreement done.....can you imagine President Trump trying to coordinate a hit on one of these clowns.....ain’t happening Constitution gives him the power!!

  7. Should NOT be allowed unless passed by the SENATE & HOUSE

  8. Should be ILLEGAL Interference with POTUS POWERS as the

    COMMANDER IN CHIEF !!!! HE is the CIC not THEM !!!!

  9. There is a REASON why there is ONE commander in chief
    & NOT hundreds of them in Congress !!!

    That would not work out so well !!! Dugh !!

  10. It is a NON-BINDING resolution correct?


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