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Friday, January 10, 2020

‘We’ve had a huge morning’: Elise Stefanik thanks Washington Post for article condemning her fundraising efforts

Rep. Elise Stefanik thanked the Washington Post for an article criticizing her for using an unflattering photograph of Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a fundraising advertisement.

The New York Republican earned the scorn of a report from the Washington Post after tweeting an “altered photo” of Pelosi while trying to draw attention to her “Pressure Pelosi” fundraising website. The website states, “Democrats have been obsessed with impeaching President Trump since the day he was elected. Now after the sham impeachment in the House, Nancy Pelosi refuses to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate!”

Following a retweet of Stefanik’s post from Trump, the Washington Post published an article titled: “Rep. Stefanik tweets altered photo of Pelosi in GOP fundraising appeal.” The report condemned Stefanik for using “a close-up, red-tinted photo of Pelosi, with the lines in the House speaker’s face exaggerated due to the image’s unnaturally high contrast.”

Many found the report to be overblown and pointed out that the photograph that accompanied the Washington Post article was an altered image of Trump. Stefanik, 35, fired off two tweets thanking the outlet for additional coverage of her fundraising efforts.



  1. Theatre of the Absurd

  2. That photo depicts Pelosi in a way that many of us actually see her.

  3. "Lines in the House speakers face exaggerated" -- that statement is so not true - those deep lines are there and the witch earned them🧹🧹

  4. The Dems don't mind doing it to Trump. They paid to fly the "baby balloon" all over the world. Bet they wouldn't mind if someone did it to Tulsi Gabbard, and she's in their party!


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