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Monday, January 20, 2020

Watch Adam Schiff Tell Three Laughable Impeachment Whoppers in Less Than 90 Seconds

It has been entertaining, to say the least, watching the "sad" and "somber" way in which the Democrats have conducted themselves on the Trump impeachment proceedings.

If the efforts to undo a presidential election, flout the Constitution and subvert the will of the American people using politically weaponized illegal surveillance and phony charges weren't so serious – and welcomed by so many many Democrats – it would be laughable.

For the "laughable" part of this pathetic scenario we turn to Adam Schiff. The primary House Manager for impeachment, who should be a material witness in the case for his dealings with the amazing, disappearing "whistleblower," worshiped at the altar of "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" on ABC News on Sunday. Schiff gamely reacted to the Trump legal team's first assertion that the House impeachment charges are facially unconstitutional.



  1. Give Dems Enough ROPE to Hang Themselves !!! Love it LOL

  2. He is a SICK & Derranged NAZI !!!! Waist of time Idiot !!!


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