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Monday, January 20, 2020

Washington Post Presents Virginia Gun Rally as Charlottesville 2.0

The Washington Post is previewing the January 20, Virginia gun rights rally in a way that suggests a Charlottesville 2.0.

The rally, organized by the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), is structured as Lobby Day; the day on which pro-Second Amendment citizens show up to support gun rights. VCDL’s Philip Van Cleave told CNN his group has been coming to the state Capitol every January 20 since 2003 without incident.

This year took a new turn when Gov. Ralph Northam (D) voiced concerns over so-called “violent rhetoric” and put a gun ban in place to guarantee the pro-Second Amendment citizens in attendance cannot be armed.

The Post reports on various self-declared militia members who are coming in from other states to attend the rally, and they note the militia members who pledged to never return to Charlottesville while armed made no such pledge regarding Richmond, the location of Monday’s rally.


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