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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Warren pledges to cancel most student loan debt without Congress

Presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Tuesday pledged to cancel student loan debt for 42 million Americans on the first day of her presidency by bypassing Congress and using an existing authority from the Department of Education.

Warren had already unveiled a plan to cancel up to $50,000 in loans for about 95 percent of student borrowers, but her plan, unveiled in a Medium post on Tuesday, details for the first time how she would accomplish it.

The presidential candidate said she would use the Higher Education Act, which gives the Department of Education authority "to modify, compromise, waive, or release student loans."

"The Department of Education already has broad legal authority to cancel student debt, and we can’t afford to wait for Congress to act," she added. "So I will start to use existing laws on day one of my presidency to implement my student loan debt cancellation plan that offers relief to 42 million Americans."



  1. Anything for a vote... what an idiot and a clown...

  2. Think about what kind of person it takes to tell millions of people to their face....A BIG FAT LIE. If their willing to lie like that in the open so clearly....what are they willing to do behind your back, where you cant see? Its really scary to such a lack of honesty and integrity these people have, to think they might gain total control is beyond concerning.

    1. You're already experiencing it on a smaller scale with Jake Day and salisbury politics

  3. There goes many retirement accounts.

  4. Isn't that buying votes with taxpayer money??!

    1. You hit the nail right on the head

  5. Do I get a refund or tax break for the $100,000 spent on my son's tuition? This is outrageous! Hard working citizens getting screwed again by the liberal left.

  6. I will invent time travel if elected

  7. Identity Politics, it's what divides America. Obama was the master of identity politics, and made America as divided as it is today. It's all about coddling one group over all the others, then another group against all the others, and so on, until all the groups are opposed to all the others, but united with the democrats that coddled their particular group. Obama had the "magic" and made it work for the democrats. Warren has no magic. It is just pandering.

  8. it is called the promises of Socialism

  9. 10:50 sort of like giving the middle class meager tax relief while giving the rich and the class you belong to yourself MASSIVE tax cuts.


  10. It's amazing how this woman can just lie right to your face without batting an eye.

    She KNOWS this would be financially impossible and would never happen.. just like Medicare for All.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: obvious pandering to the younger crowd of snowflakes.

  12. So she wants to drop student debt by 42 million. You know what that means? It means the burden is put on the tax payers, which means a $50,000 education will become a $100,000 education over night when colleges and universities know that the tax payer will be paying. Liberals talk about Apple, Google, Microsoft et.al, about all of the huge profits they make. What about universities and colleges. They are big business also. Why aren't liberals blasting these institutions for the exorbitant amount of money they charge to go to there school. For anyone who thinks colleges and universities aren't big business I have 4 letters for you. NCAA

  13. Didn't she say one time that Trump was acting like a Dictator? I believe just writing off student debt would qualify for Dictator like actions!

  14. So what about those who have paid off their loans. Will they get a refund for being responsible citizens?

    1. Being a responsible adult doesn't matter to these idiots today. Everyone is out for themselves, get what they can get

  15. You liberal college professors should take note. If college is free who will pay your salaries?

  16. The problem is that there are a lot of idiots out there that will believe it and vote for that liar.

  17. They did the same thing when all the Democrats moved into hugh houses that they knew they couldn't afford. Then there was "mortgage forgiveness. Those of us who paid off our mortgages on smaller houses were just SOL. Now we have all of these people with useless educations that wouldn't work in a pie shop anyway and Democrats want us all to "forgive" that debt. When can my taxes be forgiven? Oh, I know. NEVER.

  18. And just where is the 2 Trillion + to cover these loan losses to come from? Or are we supposed to pretend it never existed go on la-te-da? A lot of financial institutions and businesses will be bankrupt and out of business overnight, thousands unemployed by the stroke of the 'Obama mighty pen'!

  19. And There You Have it .. Precious Silvers and Gold Going Sky High !! ....Keep Printing More Greens !!!

  20. Free,Free Free college etc .Ms warren if you can get the vagina hat wearing professors that support you to agree to teach for free then you will have my attention .

  21. everything will be free it will be amazing

  22. but isn't that abuse of power? Somebody needs to tell her that Congress holds the checkbook.


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