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Monday, January 20, 2020

Warren Confronted About Whether It’s Okay To Lie To The American Public, Refuses To Answer

Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) refused to answer a question from a CBS reporter on Sunday about whether it was acceptable for a presidential candidate to lie to the American public.

CBS News campaign reporter Zak Hudak asked Warren: “Is it disqualifying for a presidential candidate to lie to the American public about anything?”

“Um, I think that, that we just do our best out there every day, and I hope that’s what happens with everyone,” Warren responded.



  1. Well, if she ain't f'ed before, she is now.

  2. If a socialist Libbies mouth is moving, then most likely they are lying...

  3. She is a politician, they all lie. If they are talking-they are lying. I know this one politician started lying on his first day in office (inaugural attendance figures) and lied every single day after that.

  4. She is a politician, they all lie. If they are talking-they are lying. I know this one politician started lying on his first day in office (inaugural attendance figures) and lied every single day after that.

    1. Yes, that politician also said if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance. Haha

      Another one of your favorite politicians also said I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.

      You Liberals are such hypocrites :-)

    2. No hypocrisy here buddy I said they ALL LIE, no exceptions.

  5. I know of this one politician who started producing on his first day in office and has kept his campaign promises every single day after that and then some.


  6. Hmmm, Fauxahontas may feel the teepee walls closing in on her!

    All the ballyhoo, or malarkey in SlowJoe's words, thus far has been about a clown car of SocialistDemocrats outpandering each other in front of liberal SocialistDemocrats in tiny Iowa. The fact that the pool of professional liars continues to shrink because they can't get traction with that slice of the population should speak volumes!

    As for Warren, it's not that she's been maintaining her original lie, it's that each time she tries to introduce some other facet of her life to draw customers she does so with provable lies, time after time. She taught school for a short period and taught law school for a while; those are her credentials. Americans are wise to have reservations about Liawatha.

  7. Warren and for the most part John Kerry and Blumenthal all made their life achievements based on lies.
    They all do it yes, but some do it way too comfortably.

  8. Of course, it is. They do it all the time.

  9. There's your answer...

  10. Of Course it is OK , & they , Democrats do it ALL the TIME !!!!


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