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Thursday, January 02, 2020

US increases fines for placing a robocall to $10,000 with newly passed spamming bill

An anti-robocall measure signed into law Monday will look to stem the onslaught of robocalls by levying harsh fines for spammers.

In addition to fining convicted spammers from $1,500 to up to $10,000, the bill, signed by President Donald Trump, gives authorities more enforcement powers and looks to accelerate measures the industry is already taking to identify robocalls.

'American families deserve control over their communications, and this legislation will update our laws and regulations to stiffen penalties, increase transparency, and enhance government collaboration to stop unwanted solicitation,' said White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham.



  1. Two things:

    1. How many times have these fines been enforceable. The majority of robocalls in my experience originate offshore in foreign countries (with disguised numbers). So how does our law have jurisdiction to fine them?

    2. If this law has been enforced where have these funds gone and how much has been collected. Have the net gains outweighed the costs of investigation and the subsequent trial? How much salary is spent of the "task force" assigned to track these cases?

  2. Lol good luck enforcing that in India.

  3. 9:55 More than likely, They just say this crap to make the ree'ree people feel good... They know these ree'ree's will never look in to anything or research anything, they know even if they did, they would be to lazy to do anything or not care enough about it to effect change, but certainly think they have a right to complain about it though don't they... Even if you gave the benefit of the doubt, that money is long gone, if it were even collected at one point... You people need to understand the design, the plan here is to take all of you money as they can in every way they can without you noticing or giving a shit, like the frog in boiling water... Notice how every damn subject matter at hand in the political realm always goes against the people, and you all just keep taking it and taking it...

  4. Weird that I got a spam call as I was reading this. 240-867-6490.

  5. How can this be enforced when they use numbers of businesses and home phone numbers they have gotten from their crooked ways. The phone companies will do nothing unless you pay which tells me they are invoved. This is just like the State of MD selling our info without our permission.


  7. what till you gt the one from 1-800-357-7117 CONECTIV and have you call 1-800-392-0090 to pay your bill

  8. I always try to waste as much of their time as I can ..can be rather entertaining to heat the caller starting to get riled up

  9. To date I have 850 robo calls on my recorder and those are only the ones I was able to record.

    How can they fine anyone when they can't catch them.. I receive robo calls from my own phone number??? The phone company does not care as they make money on each call.
    Where are they when the phone rings and its another scam or credit card interest reduction ploy.
    Its so bad I don't even answer 90% of the time, I let it ring ring ring or shut it off

  10. So when your own number is being used as a spoofing number, WTF do you do?


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