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Friday, January 31, 2020

Tyvon Davis convicted of intent to distribute narcotics and violating probation, sentenced to nineteen years.


  1. How is it bye? When someone else was ready to take his place before he was even arrested.

    Drugs are dangerous we all know this. So is tobacco, gasoline, cholesterol, alcohol, deet, bleach, sky diving etc...

    Drug users willingly purchase and willingly use drugs illegally, in many cases the same exact drugs they get prescribed by a doctor legally.

    Whats the issue here? We are not free to put in our bodies whatever we want?

    This arrest along with the MILLIONS of other drug related arrests has made ZERO difference in the amount of drugs, drug use, perception of drugs, drug dealing, etc... In this country ZERO.

    So why are we spending BILLIONS of dollars every MONTH enforcing these laws? After 40 YEARS you would think the majority of people would come to realize, hey this isn't really working out the way we expected 40 years ago. But nope, still moving forward, all high fives and pats on the back. Its turned into a cat and mouse game, its a game, cops and drugs. Someone should make an app for it.

    I mean how long does it actually take "the masses" to realize this? 40 years? Slavery lasted approx what 240 years in the states, prohibition 13 years, income taxes 107 years and still going, debtors prison colonization til 1833.

    The war on drugs is not working. It will never work. It is not making a difference and never has anywhere in the world ever. Drug dealers are not the devil and drug users are not demons. They are human beings with families just like everyone else. Maybe they need help maybe they dont.

    If the government can spend 3 years worth of time and energy trying to impeach Trump then they can spend some time finding a new solution on drugs in america.

    $38000.00 per prisoner per year in Maryland. Thats over $700,000.00 for putting this one person in prison for 19 years that is going to relate to ZERO change. Yet you people high five and cheerlead every single time this happens. Nearly a decade seeing this blog and hundred and hundreds of these articles and its its alway the same response. Thank you LEO, high five, arrest them all, byeeee thug.

    Think about it, just try it, think about it.

    40 years of war on drugs and we still got drugs.

    Prisons full $38000.00 per prisoner per year, most people dont even make $38000.00 to feed there family a year.

    Drugs are getting worse not better after 40 years with war on drugs.

    What are we really doing? Were playing a game, with human lives, that does nothing but employee MILLIONS of people. From police to judges to COs to probation officers, and the list goes on.

    How is it the state can pay the same amount per year to employe a police officer as it does house a "criminal"? Your all getting played. So extremely played that you have actually agreed and enjoy getting played. You cheerlead this war on drugs and then call it patriotic to pay your taxes.


    1. Ok, so you try to sell the point that he shouldn't be incarcerated for selling drugs. So, let's go ahead and tag him for tax evasion, since I am pretty sure he didn't report the income from his "business."

      Mentality of giving up because it isn't working opens the world to lawlessness and chaos.

    2. Giving up and finding a better way are not associated with each other in anyway.

    3. "Misunderstood" by Lil Wayne in a nutshell. Im sure most of you have no inkling of what Im referencing, but I agree nevertheless.

  2. He should of gotten life for selling that drug that is killing so many.

  3. Fentanyl should carry life in prison or death. The problem would be fixed in a week. It isn't coke, it isn't heroin, it isn't marijuana. It's death in a needle. Murder, pre-meditated through accidental suicide by proxy. The addicts don't intentionally OD but the dealers intentionally sell them heroin laced with it.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: All of your eastern shore minority entrepreneurs seem to be having similar issues with law enforcement stepping in and ruining their business models.


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