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Friday, January 24, 2020

Trump Impeachment Theater a Farce to Protect the Federal Administrative State

The partisan farce that is President Donald Trump Impeachment Theater is a political puppet show, a diversion that covers a truly titanic battle obscured by the dancing marionettes.

The audience knows how the Democratic impeachment show ends, with likely acquittal by the Republican majority in the Senate.

Some must figure Trump's impeachment has been designed by Democrats to continue their delegitimization of the president. And, aided as they are by their liberal Beltway media handmaidens, they seek to weaken the Republican hold on the Senate.

But what this is really about is Democratic desperation to protect their true source of power. It's just off-stage, in the wings of the theater -- the magic weapon they need to continue remaking America in their own image:



  1. I'm pretty certain constitutionally, these Democrats can be disbarred

    by telling lies to Congress

  2. Unfortunately he will be removed. The evidence is overwhelming

  3. Dems are doing themselves in, NOT Trump !!! Keep it up !!!

  4. Keep in mind that pelosi sent her brightest to do her dirty work,were that put the rest of the dems .Think about this long and hard the next time you stare into the eyes of your children and grandchildren .


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