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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Today's lesson: 'Equality' (Socialism)

'Equality' is undoubtedly the defining goal of socialism. Socialists favor a more equal distribution of wealth and income within society.

The rallying cry of equality has been heard from many a socialist throughout the ages. However, we must be clear on the meaning of equality. Socialists favor a more equal distribution of wealth and income within society. This is in sharp contrast to liberals and to some extent conservatives who favor equality of opportunity (albeit for slightly different reasons).

With regards to equality, it is once again important to identify the distinctions between the various strands of socialism.

Social democrats such as Anthony Crosland assert that all of us have an equal worth regardless of social background. A more even distribution of wealth via progressive taxation, a welfare state based upon universal benefits and a system of comprehensive education all help to achieve a more equal society. This moderate form of socialism seeks to empower the individual from the shackles of the capitalist system.

Those further to the left believe that the state should play a more prominent role within the management of the economy. Only by a significant level of state involvement can we truly achieve an egalitarian society. Democratic socialists reject the social democratic argument that the forces of capitalism can be tamed and therefore humanised. Capitalism is simply incompatible with the socialist goal of equality.

Learn more about it here


  1. There's NO way to keep America strong by playing "ROBIN HOOD". It's been proven by every race and gender that if you get off your lazy asses and go for it equality is available to everyone

  2. Karl Marx was from an elite wealthy Rabbinic Family.
    He was well versed in Zionism.

    Zionism = Communism

    It is about enslavement of humanity to a small inbred group of racially superior families.

  3. “The shackles of Capitalism”.
    This is typical Alinsky narrative deception the Democrats have so widely adopted.
    Use the description of the terrible circumstances the slavery Socialism and Communism create to describe the freedom of Capitalism.


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