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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

This is long but worth reading! (6-2-19)

It will be easier to post the story here then individually - I still need help on this and will explain later in the post.
My son's dream was to be a successful crabber - he spend all winter working on an old used boat he bought - buying equipment and preparing. He worked 3 jobs to be able to buy a new pick up truck - the only new thing he ever owned two weeks ago. Saturday May 18th was the big first day - he spent hours baiting his lines the night before and planning his trip far south to the Dorchester Co area where the crabs are running. He left at 2AM with a spring in his step and a smile on his face...the big opening day.
After crabbing for a few hours and a bushel and a half on board he started having engine trouble, so pulled his lines and limped his old boat back to the dock. Loaded his boat on the trailer and headed home with the weight of the world on his shoulders because he couldn't fill his crab orders - he was burdened with worry about the payment on the truck coming up, and he had spent every dime he had on the venture. He stopped at a stop light in Camridge - and when he pulled forward on green his boat wench and safety chain broke and his boat rolled off the trailer and into the middle of Route 50. All alone he struggled to try to move the boat to somehow wench it back up but it was too heavy. Four Maryland state troopers showed up. He asked them to give him a hand lifting it so he could get it out of the road. The laughed at him. The surrounded him and pulled out their cell phones taking videos and laughing at him posting on Facebook live the redneck kid trying to lift a boat. They told him he had to call https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009115861389 Bradshaw's Towing to lift the boat on the trailer. He followed their instructions and asked them to put their videos down - they did not and continued to laugh and pick at him. The wrecker truck showed up and demanded $3500 in full to lift the boat on the trailer. He told them all he didn't have any money, and if he could have an hour he could get 3 or 4 friends there to help him lift it. They gave him 15 mins to decide - pay (now reduced to $1500 when they found out he didn't have insurance) immediately or they would impound and he would have to pay the $3500 plus fines and fees and storage. I was judging a goat show in Howard Co and saw my phone ring. When I answered he was sobbing - hot - tired - and beside himself, and asking me what to do. I could hear the troopers laughing at him in the background. I told him to put it on his credit card and get home and we would figure it out....
In the week that followed , he had a series of bad luck things happen to include the motor was pronounced unrepairable, the skiff he used last year pull cord broke at the dock on Saturday, and his buyers all canceled their orders for Memorial day weekend because he couldn't produce them for Friday and Saturday. There is more , more little things all bumps in the road, but to this young man it was a mountain. Last night I found out from the man who stopped by to make a payment on is Beetle Saturday night - that Dakota wept relaying the story of how the state troopers laughed and humiliated him and the wrecking company literally raped him for that $1500. These are not Neurosurgeons folks - we are talking about 10 mins worth of work . Gouging a distraught young man when he was up against the wall. I knew he was upset by it - but I had no idea how badly the video of humiliation hurt him, and that the wrecker company posted a photo on facebook of him in the intersection with his boat, and how they took advantage of him.
I want to know the names of all four troopers (I have obtained one) to arrange a meeting with their CO. I want them to hear the whole story of how my son hung himself Sunday morning - because of his perceived humiliation. I want them to learn from seeing my distraught eyes - that a simple act of kindness to kid who did nothing wrong could have changed the outcome. To learn that you never know what the Maryland citizen is going through when they are stuck in a bad situation on the road - through no fault of their own.
Now as for Roy Bradshaw's Body shop and towing company in Cambridge MD - they are on Facebook - you can google them - you can yelp. If enough of my friends 'review' them and warn others of their vulture practices maybe they will stop making a profit off the broken backs of honest hard working people just trying to make their first truck payment. What they did was no different then the contractors who rush to screw victims of hurricanes. I want his $1500 back to pay for his funeral - or $1500 worth satisfaction of crawling out from under the reviews.
The posted photo is my son sanding in the middle of Rte 50 with his boat in the road - they posted it on Facebook for Advertising..... Rot in hell Vultures ! Chris' friends if you read this...... go get em for the big guy!!!!!!!!


  1. Very sorry to hear of this. Your son lived a big life, and to a great and positive risk toward success. I have not heard of this story until now, but if true, best of wishes in court. You have an excellent case!

    1. No, they don't. Unfortunately, laughing at someone else's misfortune isn't illegal. Very sad situation.

      Life is precious. Tell your loved ones that nothing is ever so bad that suicide is the answer.

    2. Lucky for all of them it wasn't my son.

    3. See how fast people come to the defense of a officer. I wish I could live in Disney land where all officers can do no wrong.

    4. From reading all the post for a couple of days and analyzing the mentality of the boys mother, the suicide may lie in her hands and have very little to do with the boat and trailer incident.

  2. Very sorry to hear of this. Your son lived a big life, and took a great and positive risk toward success. I have not heard of this story until now, but if true, best of wishes in court. You have an excellent case!

  3. very sad indeed. All this boy needed was some help and the officers, who are there to protect and serve, laughed, took photos, and told him he had to contact Bradshaw's who fleeced him for $1500. Don't be surprised to learn that MSP gets kickbacks from this type of situation. The least Bradshaw could do is refund the $1500 for funeral expenses.


  5. Hung himself??? Oh my Lord.

  6. Earlier today, Maryland State Police command staff were made aware of a Facebook post by an Eastern Shore mother who tragically lost her son earlier this week. The post includes allegations of inappropriate actions by state troopers who were on the scene when her son’s boat fell off its trailer onto Rt. 50 in Cambridge earlier this month.

    An investigation into these allegations has been initiated by Lieutenant Timothy Corbin, commander of the Easton Barrack. Lt. Corbin is attempting to contact the family and will keep them updated on information.

    The preliminary investigation indicates that three troopers were on the scene on May 18th. One made contact with Mr. Bailey and two directed traffic around the blocked lanes and had no contact with him. The trooper investigating took pictures of the scene in the event a crash report needed to be filed. There is no evidence at this time that troopers posted these pictures or any videos to social media.

    An independent witness has indicated all troopers on the scene were professional and no one was making fun of or laughing at Mr. Bailey. The boat was reportedly 26’ long and full of water. There was an attempt by troopers and others on the scene to move the boat to try and get a tow strap under it, but that was impossible. It has been determined Mr. Bailey called the tow service, which was already en route to the scene when the first trooper arrived.

    The members of the Maryland State Police are committed to serving and protecting the citizens of our state. Accusations of conduct contrary to our core values, policies and tradition, are troubling and will be thoroughly investigated.

    1. Thank you. The mother is grieving for sure, but this story doesn't make sense.

    2. MSP doing media spin control.

    3. This version of the story makes a whole lot more sense. Thank you for clearing thing up.

  7. Something is fishy! Why didn't he have tie down straps?

  8. Release the body cams!

  9. I feel sorry for the family, but there has to be more to this. A boat doesn't just come off a trailer, the cable and chains failing on take off from a stoplight. There has to be some fault on the owner. Blaming the police and tow service for his misfortune and underlying mental problems. Not shutting the road down at a stoplight for an hour or more on Saturday morning in the spring on the route to ocean city. It's just an effort to make sense of a senseless tragedy. I'm not sure if $1500 is a high price or not for the lift and tow. I'm not sure it's that unprofessional to have a laugh at a boat being dropped off a trailer under a stoplight, when there was no injury to anyone in the accident. This may have been the last catalyst, but the problems that led to the tragedy had to have started long before this incident.

  10. Who posted the video?... Did it get taken down?

  11. Why isn't this on the local tv opps I forgot good ol boy network.

  12. Sad situation there was more to this story. The boat was just the last part. Sorry for the family I've been there on suicide part more than one time so yes I do know what I'm talking about my heart felt prayers do go out to his family and friends.

  13. The photo was posted by the toway company. I'm guessing they like to show the more unique tows they've been called on. Nothing unusual or demeaning about that. No inside actions the cops posted anything. I don't see how either could be to blame.

  14. You have to admit....to see a boat sitting in the middle of the highway is pretty hilarious!! Did he actually know the proper way to even transport the boat on the trailer or was he a real green horn in the proper towing of a boat and trailer? The wench should have a lock for the cranking handle, tie down straps across the stern (back) of the boat plus another strap from the bow (front) to the trailer to keep it all securely on the trailer for transport! Sounds like he was really too untrained to attempt this task!!! Sorry to hear about the humiliation he went through.

  15. If he was that fragile he certainly picked the wrong profession. A waterman has to battle through problems like breakdowns of equipment, foul weather, poor catch every single day. You have to REALLY love it or it will break you. You have to dump a fortune into boats, trucks and equipment, save every penny for the day it all goes wrong, cross your fingers and work yourself ragged. I had an immediate family member commit suicide and I'm truly sorry for your loss, but laying the blame on others is not going to make that pain go away.

    1. Stfu he was a kid, every waterman I’ve ever known was a drunk

    2. He was old enough to get a truck loan and a boat loan. Look at what his actions have done to his mother. Now you pile on by calling him a drunk because according to you all watermen are.

    3. I didn’t call him a drunk I was defending hm idiot

  16. I hope all you keyboard vigilantes don’t break a leg jumping to conclusions before the facts are known. Typical mob mentality. Grab your pitchforks and vilify four Troopers and a tow truck operator just because someone writes THEIR opinion of what they THINK happened. No need to wait for facts. Who can be bothered with facts? Nope. We have to attack immediately because that’s the new mentality. What the public is doing to these fine Troopers and tow truck operator is NO DIFFERENT than what they are railing and complaining about being done to this young man. They are publicly shaming and humiliating these Troopers and tow truck operator with no facts whatsoever. When the truth comes out. No apologies will be offered. No accountability will be taken for the actions of each of you attacking these professionals. Nope. It will be onto the next FAKE crisis. Threatening lawsuits, publicly shaming and name calling when you have no idea what the real truth is. Each of you should be ashamed. But, therein lies the problem. You have no shame. Everyone is a victim. It’s easier to play victim than accept responsibility for your own actions. Disgusting.

    1. Signed
      Troopers wife.

    2. Or someone with a brain because you don't need a big one to smell BS here.

  17. Something doesn't seem right with this entire story. The trailer looks almost new, tie down hooks on the back of the boat, yet no tie down straps hanging from the trailer. Supposedly the 26 foot boat was full of water. That's a lot of weight to put on just a winch cable and safety chain. Whatever the outcome of the investigation I hope they find out what exactly happened.

    1. I kept reading the boat was full of water? How? Boats have drains.

  18. A young kid took on way more than he was qualified for and when it all went wrong he couldn't handle it. His parents or parent should have realized he needed help and had an experienced waterman or boat owner steer him in the right direction. Lady don't try to blame your stupidity on the state police, you are at least partially responsible for your son's suicide.

  19. May 30, 2019 at 7:07 AM
    thank you.

    1. Yeah let's blame the state trooper, tow truck driver and while we are at it let's blame all watermen and call them drunks. Snowflake mentality on display here at SBYnews.

  20. msp are not here to help you! they are here to protect the government from you!
    you are the enemy, if you only knew how much disdain they have for the average citizen you would demand they be disbanded and sent packing. Nothing but a bunch of overpaid bullies who continually got their asses picked on in high school! if I saw some criminal kicking their asses I would not bother to stop and help any of them!
    karma is a bitch! F em!

  21. His facebook page shows him crabbing for years.


  23. The commander and Troopers need to be Transferred can if this is True and WE WANT A FOLLOW UP as I am emailing Fox news And the Daily Mail about this story.

    1. Why? Exactly what did they do wrong. The kid dropped a boat on the road. Property damage, no one hurt, let's make a joke to lighten the situation. Let's take some pictures, because you have to write a report. let's call a tow truck, it's rt 50 on Saturday, the road needs to be open. Other than trying to find someone to blame for the later events, or the simple hatred for authority, I don't see what the officers did to be disciplined, transferred or ridiculed. Was something said, or did the kid's actions show any instability? There are a lot of baseless accussations being made, with no facts to support them. Investigate it, but stop accusing and slandering until there is proof that it occurred.

    2. Unless it was your kid HYPOCRITE

    3. 11:55 dead on
      1:05 would you turn your child's dead into a media circus because I would prefer to mourn quietly and alone.

  24. I am so sorry for your loss and I mean absolutely no disrespect but I think you should set up a Go Fund Me Account in memory of your son and use that money to help other young men and women like your son who want to start a business on the lower eastern shore - something good has to come out of this - my heart is broken. I have warned my family, friends and co-workers again and again that teasing and laughing have no place in this world you never know what that person is going through and unless you walk in their shoes - help when you can and keep your mouth shut when you can't.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers!

    1. No one deserves a dime here except the slandered town company

    2. Nothing good has to come from this. Stupidity shouldn't be rewarded.

  25. I feel her pain, but suicide is never anybody else's fault. Blaming everybody for his bad luck isn't going to bring her son back. She is grieving in a very negative, yet understandable way. I am sorry for her loss.

    1. How would u feel if it was your son.

    2. 1:04pm...I wouldn’t be blaming everyone else!!

    3. Exactly 5:05. That's WTF is wrong with these liberal Snowflakes these days. They blame everyone for their wrongdoings and never own up to their own faults.

  26. Bradshaw Towing isn't any worse than Jess Jr.s Towing in Cambridge. Their minimum is $1000.00 to come out,tow,or recover and they are promoted by the MSP under the guise,'They are the only ones who have the equipment'.
    There are others that do the same work for a third of the money. The MSP shouldn't require a towing operator of any kind,but furnish to the citizen a list of names to pick from unless the highway is blocked and must be opened. This was a beef of mine when I was a trooper never explored by the Field Operations Division. This is what you have when the Barrack Commanders are too chummy with local vendors. A retired Trooper Sgt.

  27. My friend had to call the same type of wrecker and was charged $2500. And they gave him a break. So yes, the boy did get a monetary break, BUT the towing company had no business posting a picture. No business ever does without the customer's permission, but a lot never ask. Any business that puts a picture of me or my property on social media would never get my business again. So sorry for the loss of this precious life. So very sad.

    1. The picture was to help promote the type of tow truck that was used since it is not standard, and to show the boat in the road and that they were able to move, I truly do not believe the intention was to make fun of the kid, why would they put that on their business page? That wouldn't be good promo to look like they're making fun of a customer

    2. I’m pretty sure they won’t get his business again. Dumb comment.

  28. I'm very sorry to hear about your son's passing but what happened to him is not the tow truck companies fault and I am so outraged to see you and people telling people to take his business down and run his name to the ground on facebook, yelp, etc. They gave him a pretty good discount in my opinion and I'm not sure why everyone thinks everyone should get things for free because they're having a bad day, if that was the case how would anyone stay in business, and furthermore, who calls a tow truck company on a good day? Also for those who think even the $1500 is expensive, I agree, Im 26 years old and would be upset seeing that bill as well, but I also understand that the tow truck company is providing a service and would not expect it for free just because I'm having a bad day. I also want to point out that it's my understanding this was not a typical tow truck, as it had to lift and rotate the boat up from the highway, and costs alot more to purchase than a standard tow truck, so I'm not surprised that the bill is increased for a specialty equipment. Regardless, I am truly sorry for what happened to your son because it is a tragedy, but slandering a local business and trying to run this man's name into the ground and encouraging the people making death threats to him? And telling him to rot in hell? for charging for a service for their business... how is that any different than the slander you are accusing others of?

  29. @2:26, they have no right posting the picture unless they had permission. I'm not saying they were making fun. It is an invasion of privacy though.

    1. Taking a picture of someone or a vehicle in the middle of the highway is an invasion of privacy.? Let me think that one over a little bit.

    2. @5:07 read the post. Posting someones picture on social media without permission is an invasion of privacy, yes!!

    3. 9:12...sorry to say..you are wrong. If you are on a public roadway using highways or roads, that are paid for by tax paying citizens, you have no expectation of privacy. In no way is it an invasion of privacy to photograph someone in public and post it on social media. If that’s the case, how is the paparazzi permitted to photograph celebrities and post it in newspapers or the Enquirer? Please stop posting dumb comments as if they are facts. You have no idea what you are talking about.

    4. Invasion of privacy. I love how these Cracker Jack Box lawyers make up the law as they go along.

  30. May 30, 2019 at 1:04 PM:

    If I felt like her, I'd feel like I need some grief counseling. That's how I would feel. Until she gets it, she's not going to heal. If she's going to be mad at somebody, be mad at her son. He didn't HAVE to do what he did. Nobody killed him. It was a suicide, the most selfish crime of all. He broke his mother's heart and destroyed the family by his act. She can't bring herself to place the blame where it belongs. I truly feel for her. I wish she would find the strength to seek counseling, and not let the anger consume her. Nothing is going to bring her son back, and seeking revenge against the Troopers and the towing company is mis-placed anger. It only deepens the wound to her heart and to her health. If she has any faith in a higher power, she needs to seek it now. The answer won't be to do what's she's doing now.

    1. I agree with you 1:04 p.m. I feel so sorry for her though. When I looked at the picture he looked a lot like my son. I almost cried. I actually texted my son to see if he was okay and then I told him I loved him. We've had our bouts but I don't want my son to go down that road.

    2. @3:05 best comment on here, wholeheartedly agree

    3. Amen 1:04 PM.

  31. May 30, 2019 at 12:11 AM:

    What they had was a young man with a brand new toy (Truck) and a lead foot pulling away from the traffic light. THAT"S how the boat ended up in the road. Mom only sees "bad luck" and not her son's actions, even when he committed suicide. EVERYONE is is to blame,except her son. I get it, but if we read what she said about her son, the new truck, his age, etc., it is easy to "see" what started the whole string of "bad luck." I am not callous about his Mom's feelings, but her anger is mis-placed. I hope she finds the comfort that she needs, but she is going about it in all the wrong ways. If she survives, time will lift the cloud of denial about her son, and she will forgive him for his actions and his responsibility for his demise.


  32. May 30, 2019 at 6:47 AM

    The "facts" are all right there in the picture, and the Mom's story. Young man with a powerful new truck, making a "hole shot" from a traffic light (look where the boat landed) with an improperly restrained boat on a trailer, and that's what you get. A boat laying in the middle of the road. Nobody to blame but the driver. Yep, the cops saw exactly what the scene implied. The boat didn't just fall off the trailer. Mom is mad at all the wrong people. But that is understandable. She can not stand to blame her son and his responsibly for his actions. Especially now that he committed suicide. People have a tendency to elevate their loved ones to sainthood immediately following one's death. It is a natural reaction. It happens to everyone when they lose a loved one. All their loved one's faults and failures disappear in their grief. A grief counselor could be of great benefit to her and to explain her feelings are normal, but counterproductive to her healing.

  33. Easier to go along with the grieving mad mother than to criticize her dead son for his behavior and responsibility for his actions. Blame everybody else for what her son did. Irrational, but understandable.

    1. Hope u don't have kids punk ass.

    2. 6:24...I hope YOU dont have kids. Because, if you do, I’m sure you are raising them to be “victims” of society rather than accepting blame for their own actions. In no way is this anyone’s fault other than the kids.

  34. If he lived in Maryland, why was the trailer tagged in Maine? Trying to beat Maryland out of taxes and inspection charges? I see this all the time. Should be illegal.

    1. Exactly! I saw the same thing. Mommy wants him to be the victim, but we the taxpayers are the victim because the State isn't getting that revenue for the proper tags. The taxpayers are getting raped by this man and other Douche Bags like him. I call that stealing. I pay my registration for all my vehicles and trailers. Maryland legislators need to pass a law making it illegal for these thieves to get trailer tags in Maine. They do it because it is a one time only registration fee and no inspections. You don't even have to travel to Maine. This thievery should be ILLEGAL!

    2. The only one raping the Maryland taxpayer is the state of Maryland.

    3. Exactly 100% correct 9:03


    1. 6:27...how many times have to stood in the roadway and directed traffic on a busy Saturday afternoon? Until you have done it, you have no idea how many people it takes. Stop acting like an expert on things you have no experience doing. Until the topic is “how to sit in mommy’s basement, play video games and eat Hot Pockets” shut up. That is the only thing you have experience and an expertise in.

    2. The tow truck driver I know personally, he is neither a POS or a redneck. Why speak so terribly about people you don't know at all

    3. 7:51 agreed. I feel more sorry for him than anyone in this situation. Being blamed for the death of a man he met once for probably less than an hour. Being blamed for nothing more than doing his job. Tell him he has plenty of people on his side who know he is in no way to blame for these peoples actions.

  36. 6:00 lmao maybe if maryland didn't require tax upon tax upon tax to use what I've already paid for I wouldn't worry about it either.
    Some of us already pay this state way to much in taxes and are tired of watching welfare addicts buying crabs while I count my change!
    Piss off maryland democrats!

    1. 6:40 is a thief. Piss off Liberal Thief.

    2. So you're attempting to assign blame to Maryland's tax structure? I think you might be a few bricks short of a full load.

  37. The killed killed himself a week after the boat was towed. The mother herself said there were more bumps on the road in between that time, so how can it reflect on a measly FB photo? The boy wasn’t tagged in the picture, and unless you knew him personally, you’d have no idea who was even in that picture. I saw it before the tow company removed it and they only had like 12 likes, it certainly wasn’t a viral photo.

    He needed a new boat motor, maybe the mechanic shop quoted him $10,000 for a new one? He couldn’t crab Memorial Day weekend, maybe the company he sells too told him to find somewhere else to go from now on? Maybe the dealership that sold him his new trucked ripped him off on interest rates and sent his truck payment through the roof? There’s a lot of things to look at here, I think everyone is jumping the gun.

    1. 6:56 I see that Mom and her merry band of attack dogs have taken to the Bradshaw towing Facebook page to try to tear them apart. Youre right, where does it end. Are they going to track down any kids who picked on him in middle school and blame them too. A video just posted to this page shows a man who's autistic and blind go on national television to perform. Some people have real problems far beyond a perfectly physically health young man with infinite potential. They chose to do everything they can with what God gave them. She is really insulting her own child by claiming that he killed himself over just a $1500 dollar bill and a picture of his boat online that as you said 12 people saw. Now thousands have seen it and she has turned what should be a time to reflect on his life into a complete circus.

  38. This is the problem with SNOWFLAKES they can't handle PRESSURE.


  40. May 31st @ 11:09AM

    Why would you DOX the tow truck driver? For doing his job? If the kid hadn't killed himself this whole thing would be a non-issue. Yes, it's sad the outcome of the story. However, the blame is only on the son. He is the one who chose suicide. This one incident would not have led that to happen. I have been reading the posts from the mom and girlfriend. It is very clear they need to get off social media and get grief counseling. They are making a bad situation worse.

  41. Where is the post from the MSP FB page that people were commenting on? I went to the Easton Barracks FB page and it wasn't there?

  42. The buried lede is that the young man was "literally raped" and no one seems to have been charged with this heinous sex crime. It obviously exacerbated his sense of humiliation.

    1. The young man was stupid for not properly strapping his boat to the trailer. Actually he should have been sited for that. The cops gave him a break, the towing company gave him a 50% discount. Yes, a bad day, but could have been much worse. He scratched and broken only material things that could have been repaired or replaced in time, not worth taking your own life.

    2. 5:08pm, in that small shell of a mind, do you understand the difference between literal and figurative? Moreover, do you understand that the concept of rape implies a lack of choice? Chris had many choices. Sadly, he chose poorly in several instances. Somehow, you have taken the facts and made Chris a victim of circumstance. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your pathetic characterization is emblematic of so many other mental midgets ready to assign blame to others for their own poor choices.

  43. This story against the troopers has a stench just doesn't ring true, the truth will come out. Sounds like another case of a family member trying to make big bucks. If she knew he was so distraught where was she when he committed suicide, sounds like her guilt taking root.

  44. Well at least an innocent driver did not get killed in this fiasco . If the kid could not cope with this dilemma he would certainly make no fisherman. People like this are accustomed to repossession and bankruptcy. I am surprised he got a loan in the first place.

  45. This editorial is a journey into the mind of someone very much in need of help. I hope she finds the help she desperately needs.

  46. Rt 50 traffic stalled w/ boat in the roadway caused by driver who was a)lazy; b)in a hurry; c)didn't care of d) all of the above. It was HIS fault and his alone. Tprs taking pictures for possible accident investigation and damage to roadway.

    Mom blaming everyone but the kid. Sad he lost his life but he apparently had a lot of problems and couldn't handle them and/or wouldn't ask for help.

    Much easier to blame everyone else for his mistakes and hers.


  47. Poor decisions lead to poor decisions. Become a habit, if not a skill.


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