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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

'That is discrimination': Two transgender women sue Florida over state's healthcare ban

Two transgender women have sued Florida over a law that prohibits state employer-provided health plans from covering gender reassignment or modification services.

Jami Claire, 62, and Kathryn Lane, 38, argue that Florida state healthcare policy violates the Constitution and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. They have partnered with several organizations, including the ACLU of Florida and Southern Legal Counsel, in the suit.

Their lawsuit, filed in the Northern District of Florida, argues that both Claire and Lane's gender dysphoria, a condition where one feels distress because of a psychological disconnect between their gender identity and biological sex, have worsened because they have had to delay transition-related care.



  1. There's no such thing as a transgender woman. It's either a he or a she. It has either two "X" chromosomes or an "X" and a "Y". It can't be anything else.

  2. These men need psychological treatment for sure!

  3. They have pills for mental disorders. Surgery won't fix what's wrong with them.

  4. Time to look for a restaurant lease opportunity in Rehobeth and request your adult beverages STRAIGHT UP.

  5. We as a nation are so screwed if we dont get right. This luciferian sickness is gonna be our downfall.

  6. Shouldn't the story title read "two dudes" Sue Florida ?

  7. These two desperately need some mental health treatment.

  8. If I identify as darker skinned, can I make my insurance cover a tanning bed for me?
    If I identify as blonde will they pay for a salon to bleach my hair?
    What if I'm bald but identify as a man with a full head of hair?
    I identify as having two heads. I demand to have a second head attached to me with other people's money.
    I am glad about one thing. I can identify as lazy and the taxpayer will be forced under threat of force to give me THEIR money for my rent, utilities, healthcare, groceries, cell phone, dope, ect. I would demand all the same for my multiple kids by multiple mother's as well as free breakfast, lunch and dinner through the school because I'm too lazy to cook the free food I already got.

  9. Dude you already traded your free food for drugs.


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