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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Sheriff Mike Lewis: Noncompliance of Unconstitutional Laws (3-17-19)


  1. This is part of why he got elected...and re-elected!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. So proud of him....standing up for what is right.

  3. Finally someone in any elected office upholds our constitution.

  4. Great, our top law enforcement officers in 3 counties refusing to enforce a law ( if passed) Great example. I think that i should try that

    1. It's an unconstitutional law. He swore to uphold the constitution. He is fulfilling his oath.

    2. So becoming a sanctuary state the INVITES ILLEGAL ALIENS is a better example I guess?

  5. I stand behind Mike Lewis as most of us do as he always does the right thing, I hope he is our Sheriff forever unless he takes an even better job for the people. God Bless Mike Lewis.

  6. Good for him.

    I do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America and to the State of Maryland; ​that I will serve honestly and faithfully to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States

  7. 9:59 - it is an unconstitutional law. It IS a great example!

    Try ignoring a valid law - they should prosecute you for it. This one has already gone through some constitutional testing...

    1. So gas becoming a sanctuary state yet Maryland still does it and it cost us millions every year.

  8. I'd like to see someone strap on a handgun, an AR over their shoulder, both loaded and chambered, and take a walk down Naylor Mill Rd. and see how fast you get a ride in a sheriff's deputy's car. If the good Sheriff is such a strong supporter of the 2nd, shouldn't be a problem right? Who's first?

    1. Illegal aliens walk up and down the street every day but the state ignores that.

    2. I agree. He really should be taking on the restrictive carry laws in maryland but that doesn't get him camera time. He doesn't want you to have guns other than in your home. Listen to him clearly and you will pick up on it.

  9. GO Mike we have your back and support you.

  10. We love you,, Mike! We are behind you all the way. Keep up the great job.

  11. 9:59 we had a president who didn't enforce our laws. And he was a lousy example.

  12. If it is unconstitutional let the Courts decide. It is NOT up to the local red neck Sheriffs. They do not get to decide this

    1. So the lawmakers making this an illegal sanctuary state are red necks also?

  13. Mikey is politicing, nothing more. He will arrest you in a heartbeat (if he doesn't shoot you first) for concealed carry without a permit. Let him be true to his political word, and issue right to carry permits by his own department for citizens of Wicomico County. Nope, he will shoot you first....

    1. What will happen if some people test the Sheriff's office ?

  14. "If it is unconstitutional let the Courts decide. It is NOT up to the local red neck Sheriffs. They do not get to decide this"

    11:43, That's an interesting quote.

    Does this same non-compliance by local governments also pertain to SANCTUARY cities and states?

    Mr Bob

  15. So let me get this right. If the Sheriffs decided to confiscate weapons ( which would be illegal under todays law) , you would be okay with that . This enforcement of law has to work both ways and to the surprise of most these respondents, Sheriff Lewis is not a judge. The law does not work when its convenient

    1. HE IS the law in the county Fool.

    2. Which part of unconstitutional don't you get?

  16. Thank you Mike Lewis. We need you join with the other sheriff's and County Executives to make Our Counties...Sanctuary Counties for the Constitution....its Our only chance, lets do it!

  17. We can't wait for a snowflake CIVIL WAR TO START.

  18. Serious self promoter!

  19. So what if Maryland passed a law stating that elected officials have first right to deflower a newlywed wife?

    Clearly unconstitutional. So should we wait for the courts to decide or should the local law refuse to enforce?

  20. Stand your ground MIKE--there are probably thousands of lawyers across the USA who would love to support your position in court if need be.PLANNED PARENTHOOD KILLS MORE HUMANS IN A MONTH THAN GUNS KILL IN A YEAR--MAYBE DECADES.IF CRIMINALS OBEYED STRICT GUN LAWS LIKE IN CHICAGO THEY WOULDN'T BE CRIMINALS.

  21. Kentucky just passed a carry without a permit law. That's really what the constitution states, plain and simple. The right to bear arms

  22. Outstanding Mike, the pos sheriff in Broward County Fl had half your grapes 19 kids would be alive today.

  23. Only Democrats want laws enforced that they like just look at the activist judges that go against the president.

  24. Is that across the board?

  25. Annapolis is trying to enact unconstitutional laws and someone has to stand up to them.

  26. How many illegals have the WCSO arrested in the past year for being here illegally? I would guess none.

  27. Mike Lewis is a true fake. Ask him how many guns have been seized in Wicomico County during domestics that 9 out of 10 times never go to court. So we are willing to confiscate all the guns in the home leaving the claimant totally unarmed. Does that law make any sense. The respondent has to get cleared to get the firearms back. No felony has been committed and the Sheriff's Office takes the firearms from the residence. So with that said it would appear Mike is speaking out of both sides of his mouth again. Mike saw an opportunity for camera time as usual. This is just another example of self promotion by an egocentric with hyper narcissistic ideologies. As for the riots in Baltimore Lewis was asked to leave the city and it it is my understanding he went on his own to police a city he had zero jurisdiction in. I like Mike as a person but this Sheriff thing has gone to his head. Lewis has no intention of non-compliance this is just another media stunt to get his face on t.v. I will not ever surrender my firearms but it has nothing to do with Lewis' beliefs trust me. Some great Sheriff's in Maryland most of them former Troopers have stayed away from Mike for good cause. Why show your cards before the hand has even been dealt. #Fake Sheriff.

    1. 2:53 very well said

    2. Federal Lawsuit in the works coppersMarch 21, 2019 at 12:33 AM

      Lewis boys and local doctors were banging my ex wife....they colluded to have a protective order placed against me upon me finding out of the infidelity...

      they swarmed my home like bumble bees and confiscated my weapons....
      bumping and pushing me physically outside the court room upon no merit .

      I lost two of my guns....destroyed or stolen by those keystone cops

      Lewis and his armed gang are very dangerous to citizens of our County

      if I did not have a very intelligent lawyer....I'd be locked up on false allegations.....

      remember the Kavanaugh hearings...

      we live in a Democrat time of no due process...GUILTY TILL YOU CAN PROVE YOURSELF INNOCENT

      Lewis is a big fake as so noted above

  28. @2:53

    You do realize that one does not have to have a felony conviction to be a prohibited person-there are multiple misdemeanors that would prohibit a person, such as 2nd Degree assault (up to 10 year sentence)-any conviction that carries a possible sentence of 2 years or more no matter what the sentence the person received makes a person prohibited from possessing a firearm.

  29. Mike doesn't care who's pointing the gun only who's pointing the camera. He also believes that the second amendment allows him to drive the MRAP home every night. If COPS tv show came to Mike and said we will give you a months air time for rounding up guns in Wicomico he would be at your door by morning.

  30. Mike Lewis never met a camera he didn't like. He is probably posturing for a job in DC.

  31. So Mike Lewis is going to let me go when he finds me with my concealed weapon that Maryland would not approve me to carry?


    Little Lewis will send his armed gang to your house to take all your weapons

    as soon as HOGAN tells him to

  33. 4:19 the fact stated was guns are taken from homes at domestics. The guns are legally owned. It does not matter if the firearm was used in the domestic. It is purely and simply a civil action being carried out by law enforcement across the state. The felony part has no bearing. So in fact Lewis is enforcing a law that is no way constitutional and he is in fact seizing firearms. Again his motivation in this matter appears to be self promotion as usual. Citizens need to know the truth this is a serious issues nationwide and should not be used as a media tool. We all know they are not going to seize legally owned firearms from an Americans. There are millions of Democrats that own various firearms. The Boy Scouts of America teach marksmanship for God sakes. This is egotistical politicians taking advantage of fear. As for Lewis shooting someone the only person he has ever shot was unarmed man on the by-pass. Enough said.

  34. 4:19 do you think that is constitutional. I mean seriously a non-violent offense and a person has to relinquish their firearms. Politicians get rich while in office. That is a true issue. The violent culture out there using guns in crime do not walk into a gun store to buy their tools. If we gave the police the resources crime would be cut in half. Also those at the top of any agency needs to stop placating to the Libtards and get officers back on foot in bad areas. Treat gang members like domestic terrorist because that is what they are. Mexico had 33,000 murders in 2018. This is a country that does not allow gun ownership. Most of their guns come from America. So gun restriction does not work if we do not enforce the laws in place. Build The Wall that is a start.

  35. I have one question! WTF is it with the local boys that grew up here and now supposedly work for the betterment of the city/county?? Every F'ing one of them is out for themselves. Here we go, Mike Lewis doesn't give two shits about the citizens of wicomico county. He's looking towards his next venture after his 20 year pension grabbing from wicomico county. David Ryan, this idiot sits back and ducks a 150 grand a year to develop wicomico county. N-I-C-E I didn't know that position meant making all the local slumlords multi millionaires. I thought it meant bringing sustainable business to the area. Jake Day, WTF can you actually say about this moron?? The guy is a cross dressing fa****. Tom Stevenson, this poor guys only qualification is he has no morals, he'll kiss whoever's ass necessary to look out for Numéro uno. He might not suck it but he'll hold it until someone else gets there. And then you have Mike Dunn, this poor idiot actually thinks he's relevant in Salisbury's daily functions. His outright promotion of the swinging lifestyle is sickening. I bet he pees a little every time he sees the new sling TV commercials

  36. No where in the Constitution does it exempt former criminals from their right to bear arms. Just as former criminals are not stripped of their freedom of speech. But the issue is to what degree we rally and for whom. Most people are not going to go to bat for people who misuse their rights to harm others. And yet those former criminals are not immune to violence being brought upon themselves. A former female convict can still be raped and a former male convict can be robbed and killed.
    We can argue grey areas all day, but you are a lunatic if you believe a nutjob whose own family tells the courts they are a nutjob needs to have a military cache laying around without oversight.
    That is not the same as the government using threat of violence by proxy to the people, writing a law that makes something legal yesterday illegal today and sending that proxy door to door.

  37. Maybe Mike should spend less time on TV and more time managing his administrative officers. I watched Lt.Robinson act like a complete jackass in a locally owned pharmacy yesterday. He had on what appeared to be a sheriff's office polo and military style pants, no side arm but driving a sheriff's office vehicle. He acted like ignorant entitled a$$, all over lottery tickets. Now this was about 2 or 3 in the afternoon so was he buying tickets on our time? What a joke he was.

  38. And the battle for the Iron Throne begins.


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