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Wednesday, January 08, 2020

SEAL who killed bin Laden asks what ‘Tehran and Hiroshima have in common’

The Navy SEAL who claims to have shot and killed Osama bin Laden asked what Tehran and Hiroshima have in common hours after Iran fired dozens of ballistic missiles at two military bases housing American forces in Iraq.
"Wanna know what Tehran and Hiroshima have in common?" tweeted Robert J. O'Neill late Tuesday night. "Nothing yet."
On Aug. 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb nicknamed "Little Boy" on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, instantly killing an estimated 100,000 people.



  1. He sounds like a psychotic frankly. Anyone tossing around killing hundreds of thousands to millions of people like its nothing must have something off in their brain.

    At some point Americans better realize the rest of the world will act to stop us from wholesale slaughter and the bombs will fall here. We are not invulnerable.

    1. And just what do you think the terrorists which Iran has been training plan on doing, holding picnics in the park or perhaps hosting a free Tuesday night at the movies event maybe?

  2. The author's own History Channel source cites about 70,000 instantly killed, not 100,000. Tens of thousands died within days from radiation and blast injuries.

  3. We are the police of the world. Why?

  4. @840 Go fight your own war Shekelstein.

  5. He has a right to his opinion just like you idiot libtards that spout off about needing your safe space. Well guess what that S.E.A.L. and other men like him actually secured your right to be a P****y. Go give your kid another video game or take him to dance class.

  6. Both make a Nice BEACH !!! LOL

  7. Northwest Woodsman: if you were to do some research on the war in the pacific, you would know that the Japanese were ruthless barbarians who committed horrible atrocities against not only US military personnel, but also innocent civilians in the countries they occupied. They deserved having two of their cities turned into glass parking lots, and maybe more. The best thing that came out of those bombings, is that japan got the message and now manufacture great automobiles and electronics. Have not had any aggressive activities from since their lesson learned in 1945. Personally, after all the research I have conducted on their war atrocities, they probably deserved more. I was born in 1942 at a time when things were going badly for our side and I still have a latent animosity towards the Japanese.

    1. So you actually believe the average child or woman who was incenerated on the ground was just another "ruthless barbarian" huh?


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