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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

School nurse charged with sexual offenses involving 4 students in Somerset County (2-17-19)

CRISFIELD, Md. — A teacher in Somerset County has been arrested and charged with sexual offenses involving four high school students.

Maryland State Police said Samantha Marsh, 33, of Crisfield, was working as a nurse at Crisfield High School & Academy during the time of the alleged incidents. The investigation, which began Monday, shows the alleged offenses occurred between March 2018 and January 2019.

The victims are all believed to be students at the school, but none of the alleged activity took place on school grounds. It is believed that Marsh picked the students up in her van at various locations outside of school grounds and took them to other locations



  1. Gaddis has covered up multiple similar incidents. There have been 5 school staff arrests in Somerset County in the last year and numerous others he managed to hide. Gaddis needs to go now.

  2. Why is she only charged with 9 MISDEMEANORS ?????

  3. Well I guess that makes her a not so sexy sexual predator .

  4. Not a big deal. Done off school grounds and they were presumably over 16. Better they learn from a nurse that some.hooker.

    1. Hilarious. I literally spit my drink out when I read this. This wins the internet lol

  5. This is very sad. Somerset County needs to open their eyes to the staff that they are employing. Administration is hiring their friends which are NOT qualified for the positions. It is the good old boy network all over again and it begins with the administration who is abusing his/her authority. They apparently have not learn anything from past mistakes that have been brushed under the carpet. The staff at the schools dress like they are going to weekend get-a-ways, causal and sloppy. Very unprofessional and I have seen such disrespect to parents as well as to students. Teachers are there to TEACH and I feel this is lacking in the Somerset County system. There seems to be a problem when teachers in the Somerset County system are sending their children to Holly Grove Christian school. What message is this sending to us as parents of children in the public school system. AND I do not want to hear that it is for religious reasons!! That is just a camouflage excuse. I feel Dr. Gaddis needs to find the root of this problem and ask his teacher parents, Why are you sending your children to private schools? I am sure this would be some sort of abuse of authority to ask such a question, but I feel it is a legimate question. You are good enough to teach in the system that my tax dollars are used to pay your salary but the system is not good enough for your children to attend school. Really??? Facebook is another issue that I see with administrators and teachers. No one wants to see you out drinking, your skanky dress attire or what you are eating. The word Professional has been lost and it needs to be brought back. Students must adhere to a dress code/policy. Teachers and staff need to also adhere to a dress code. I cannot believe that some of them look in the mirror in the morning and actually think they look neat, polished and professional. Morals have been swept aside. It's time for Somerset County Public Schools to reevaluate!!

    1. Well said!! Worcester needs to do the same.

    2. are you teady for school vouchers? i am!! public schools are cesspools. a better education can be found elsewhere.

    3. There has to be a higher standard set for the administration and staff to abide by. The crazy stuff I see posted on social media is ridiculous. What examples are these "professionals" setting for our youth. Pregnancies posted of unmarried staff and students gniving baby showers . Teachers having extramarital affairs with other teachers. The kids come home from school and know all this and you want to tell me the Administration don't...Where is the decency and the morals? What is this teaching our kids? I blame the Administration!! Something needs to be done. Dr. Gaddis needs to get involved in what is happening in these schools. And yes why are teachers in the system seding their kids to private schools? Good question!!

    4. What do you expect? Wicimico is just as bad as Worcester and Somerset. The good teachers they do have are besmirched by the malcontent teachers who always think they’re owed more than they receive. Unions also play a part at muddying up the tides and causing issues. Pay for private school or start a homeschooling group and quit bitching.

    5. I can guarantee you everyone at the BD of ED was hired because they knew someone. I doubt there isn’t two or three who aren’t part of the good ole boys group.

    6. Jmb, wihi, and phs continue to lose their best young teachers to insane policies, hug a thug administration, and violent, out of control students. Guess what you get? Young, bad teachers who may or may not care, and old teachers watching the clock, counting down the seconds to retirement.

      As a former public school teacher, I wholeheartedly repute the so-called NEA and MSEA. Left-wing political groups are all they are. I also favor vouchers so kids don't have to go to school with psychopaths, bullies, and predators.

  6. Somerset county....the trash heap of Maryland.

    1. Don’t wave your Somedset sucks banner, dearheart. Wicomico has had its share of pedophiles and drug dealing pimp teachers and guidance counselors. Look at Parkside and Bennett. Wanna talk cesspools, you can start right in your own backyard.

  7. "Why is she only charged with 9 MISDEMEANORS ?????"

    Exactly! Why is this not kidnapping?

  8. By the time law enforcement got involved she was already put on administrative leave,which means the school knew and didn't report it. Gaddis was trying to sweep it under the rug, like he has with other incidents in the past couple of years. Wake up!

    1. If in fact this is true, that Gaddis person better get a really good lawyer because that’s a criminal offense to not report this crap to CPS. Every teacher, administrator and substitute is trained this prior to ever seeing the inside of a classroom so Gaddis can’t claim innocent ignorance.

  9. There are MANY reasons to get your children out of the Government/Public school systems. They are dumbing down students on a daily basis; making it even worse now by using Agenda 21/Common Core. World and American History no longer being taught. Pushing transgender studies. Test scores continue to remain low and falling. Disruptive students and classrooms, as teachers have NO control. Many teachers are not good roll models. Indoctrination no Education...

    You only have One opportunity to Educate your children; why on earth would you even consider housing them in this day care warehouse? Wake UP!

    1. SCHOOL VOUCHERS IN MD NOW GET IT ON THE BALLOT LETS TAKE BACK THE EDUCATION OF OUR FUTURE. most likely it will be a bloody battle to take it from these marxists running the system today

  10. No one can predict this stuff. It should be on a pre-employment polygraph even then l am not sure you would catch those willing to have sex with 16 and 17 year olds and in the case of Somerset County you may even have some 30 year olds in the 11th grade. Just saying. On a more serious note are the victims young Black males. Sounds like case in Wicomico some years back. School Staff knows these kids are off limits there would be no crime if this occurred on a non student the same age. There is way more involved here. Then again there always is. Sad

    1. I remember that white female instructional assistant having sex parties with wi middle males. Got no real punishment or time. Had that been a male teacher he d been punished w/ no regard as he should but there definitely is a double standard although equally disgusting. Eww whee there is no standard. She isnt even the hot teacher a male would dream about. Look like she is related to Joe Dirt.

  11. I feel so sorry for her husband and kids.

  12. They are government workers they can be polygraph tested before they're hired just like the correctional and police officers are.

    1. A polygraph dont help that any.

    2. @1:02 and how do you know this?

    3. 904, because polygraphs are designed to get people to admit what they did, not what they might do at some point in the future.

  13. So was she a nurse or a teacher. It would be bad enough if she were a teacher but if she was a nurse that’s an even more disturbing situation. There are ethical and moral standards that a medical professional must adhere to. She should most certainly lose her nursing license forever. The stupidity of this idiot is incredible.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: I must say she is the least attractive of the numerous teachers around the country that have been arrested for this sort of thing.

  15. She was just Nursing them !!! LOL

  16. 3:46: This article and your entire paragraph explained just about every reason I didn't send my kids to Somerset county schools. Well, that, and academics.

  17. This same nurse had the same allegations made about her havibg sex with a student last year. The principal and Gaddis should of removed her then instead of covering it up. But what can they say when Gaddis is having affair with a co-worker and then there's the Crisfield coach and the band teacher I blame everyone at that school because if you knew about it should if reported when you didn't get results last year from your boss you should of went further if you-re teaching for the right reason you should come forth And contact MSP. SHOW THE KIDS YOU REALLY CARE

    1. Let’s be real, who hasn’t the band teacher slept with?

    2. The Mother of the student supposedly knew her Son was messing with the Nurse.

  18. Where is Gaddis???? He hasn't showed up at any CAHS basketball this season but was at most of the soccer games. Wheres the support from the superintendent??? I bet if the team goes to states he'll be there for some type of recognition. The State Board of Education should get rid of him because the good ole boys won't. Don't make him a part of your State Board.

    1. Gaddis doesn't care about SCPS. He's trying to go to the state board of ED. That's why he sends his (pitbull) Davis who does notbing either.

  19. I thought nurses were involved in Sex Education. I guess she didn’t know it wasn’t a hands on workshop type training. I’m sure the boys are very “traumatized” lol

  20. Several of the CHS basketball players are involved. Will the students be punished? They should.

    1. Hope you have the same sentiments if one of your children or juvenile relatives become a victim in a situation such as this you moron

    2. I don’t feel like the boys are victims. They willing partipated. They were not raped or molested. At their age they know right from wrong.

    3. Are you stupid, is this you, they are adolescents in her professional care met during work hours. A grown a$$ woman soliciting and engaging in immoral behavior in the same vehicle her family rides in. Gtfoh. So i guess you d feel bad for her if a mother decided to do what they felt and break the law and break her consenting jaws.

    4. I guarantee you none of those boys went against their will. One of the boys that graduated last years Mother knew about it and did nothing about it. As a matter of fact he was charged with assault recently. Such a good kid. I don’t feel bad for her but I do feel bad for husband and children.

  21. For all the folks suggesting polygraphs for teachers, while ideally it is a novel idea, the fact of the matter is that not only are polygraphs wildly ineffective (it is one of those lovely “subjective sciences”) but polygraphs in the state of Maryland are illegal as a condition to employment or continued employment... Before anyone goes jumping down my throat yelling about this not being true, it absolutely is, save for a handful of exceptions (which are limited to relatively small geographical localities and specific employers, e.g. the department of corrections for several counties) and the Federal government (of which teachers are not employed by)... If you care to educate yourself you can find these laws written in very plain language by doing a search for “2013 Maryland Code LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT § 3-702 - Lie detector tests”... Should we do everything in our power to protect our children? Yes. Would running around thinking that polygraph results are tantamount to truth serum foster a false sense of security towards educators that may cause some parents to be less vigilant about warning signs? ABSOLUTELY... Please take a moment to educate yourselves, all of this is really very simple; be part of the solution instead of offering false platitudes that aren’t based in reality!

    1. @ 1:46, you are the one that needs to educate yourself. You are actually wrong on all points.

  22. Ppl need to remember that while this was wrong and the nurse should be punished, these were very street wise 17 yr old boys who have slept with dozens of girls and adult women. I certainly wouldn’t call them victims.

  23. i have not slept with band teacher .....yet thanks for heads up

  24. Those kids must be Desperate ....because She Ain't All that !

  25. I'm appealing to the CAHS teachers and guidance counselors. If you knew about this going on last year and you told your administrators please come forth. They should be held accountable. Three schools in the county have had teachers having extramarital affairs during school hours. One vice principal waa able to resign (WHS). Teacher and an assistant caught on video (WHS). Woodson 2 teachers having an affair both married were placed at different schools. Then there's the great Gaddis and Tracy B. everyone knows that too. Tracy C. Supervisor at the Board and the Rev.Davis both were married at the time. Then there's Varsity Coach at CAHS and McHenry the band teacher. Students, parents and teachers have heard about this one. Don't forget the teacher at CAHS that was put on administrative leave before Christmas break for drugs found in her car on school property. Didn't hear about that did you?? Swept under the rug. It time for the BOE to do some sweeping. Will they? Now who is setting the standards.

    1. The majority of the teachers and staff have known about it since last year. No one said a word.

    2. You obviously don’t know much if you don’t even spell names correctly. We don’t need to spread untrue rumors either. Ridiculous.

    3. What does spelling a name incorrectly have to do with the truth.


  26. Those boys victims? Gimme a break. What 17 year old boy is going to turn down a "lil lovin'?" Betcha moms of these boys didn;t have any problem getting those guys to jump out of bed in the mornings and head off to school.

  27. What about all the students that hung out in her office to skip their classes day after day. Same students over and over, yet nothing done! Students that were really sick couldn’t get attention because of the games played. Yet the school brought her back for the next school year, yes that’s right, could of been dismissed with only one year of service for this alone. They knew about everything but could of proved this without any questions. Any student that was violated after last year should be on the schools and board of ed’s head.

  28. Poor boys in Crisfield need something to do !!! LOL

  29. People act surprised over these actions when I can remember while in school half the basketball team sleeping with or sexual favors from teachers or school staff!!! She just got caught up sad but true!!! You’d be shocked if these teachers were brought to light.

  30. 2:30, remember it's better to be morally correct than factually correct. The issues you are seeing now in education are a result of many years of bleeding heart liberals running the system. I have seen many that couldn't make it in the classroom move up in the ranks. Many of the administration at the schools and board are people that only think of themselves and do things to make themselves look good instead helping the children. I have been in the classroom for over 20 years and have seen this many times. I am appalled by the actions of many in the education system. Definitely get school choice passed. I would love the competition for the best students and teachers.

  31. 12:59. I'd like to know how two married teachers can be caught on video having sex (not with their spouse) at school and they are allowed to quietly "resign". This should have been made public knowledge, but Gaddis swept it under the rug to avoid the scandal that was sure to follow. Wake up people.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Somerset county....the trash heap of Maryland.

    February 13, 2019 at 3:53 PM

    You are forgetting Dorchester Co.

  33. The PARENTS need to sue the state and BOE then the facts will come out on who KNEW FROM WITHIN AND DID NOTHING.

  34. She’s fat ugly and nasty, how could any high school boy want that ?

  35. Wow you can tell most of these post are from Slummerset County. Why on earth would you comment about her looks in. That has nothing to do with it. They where not looking for that forever love lol. This woman violated a law set in place to protect students. I would say she has damaged these kids but in knowing some of the victims they were screwed at birth. Typical Thugs and that should bring her even more heat. Her husband should throw her stuff in the yard. Once they have jungle fever there is no cure and now she is damaged goods. Do your children a solid and man up. Liberals have ruined America.

  36. Curious to know about this school choice. If this were implemented, where exactly would you send your children? We have a small handful of private schools in the area, and I am sure, they would raise their prices to keep them exclusive. Would you send your children to another public school?

  37. Why hasn’t Gaddis commented on this?

  38. I noticed she was wearing a Fire Department t-shirt in this criminal photo. Did it say Crisfield Fire Department?

  39. It sure doesn't take much to entertain the boys in Crisfield. I guess it's either her or play with a crab, so I guess she is more fun than a crab or oyster. Any port in the storm..................


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