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Saturday, January 04, 2020

Quote of the Day

"We didn't send pallets of cash to the Iranians. We didn't pay for hostages. We didn't create a deal which would have given them a clear pathway to a nuclear weapon. We have taken a very different approach. We believe it's the one that will ultimately lead to success and stability in the Middle East." --US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo


  1. TRUMP 2030 MAGA/KAG

  2. Yup, No more milquetoast policies like under Obummer the Muslim.

  3. Nope, that was the New World Order Manchurian Candidate manufactured by the Deep State. parading as a Liberal.

  4. Saw pictures in the new that Obama water skying without a shirt in Hawaii. Where did he get his wealth? Oh yes, A crate of money fell during the night when Obama gave unmarked cash to Iranians and Obama claimed that crate. 😂😂😂😂

  5. Well said !!! Pompeo Lock up Traitor Obama for that cash !!!

  6. FREEZE All Iran's CASH & other Assets Strangle them !!!!

    Strike their Nuke sites too !!!! Take them out First !!!!

  7. Send Pallets of cash to Americans living in the streets HERE !!!!


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