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Thursday, January 02, 2020

Pope Pauses on World Peace Day to Apologize for Slapping Woman Twice in St. Peter’s Square

Socialist Pope Francis slapped a woman twice on New Year’s Eve.

Francis got physical.

Pope Francis slapped the woman twice in St. Peter’s Square — Then angrily walked away!

On Wednesday, during his World Peace Day sermon Pope Francis apologized for slapping the woman.

It’s a start.



  1. And she was a Asian refuge but let’s mention it.

  2. I don't blame him! I don't think even Jesus would tolerate someone yanking him towards them as such especially in today's world of unknown intentions from crowds!

  3. Until you've had someone yank you toward them you have no idea how off guard you are.There are martial arts that specialize in pulling a subject to you vs pushing them away.

  4. He had broken that wrist back in 2009. If you watch you can see him scream out in pain. He had no choice to get her to stop hurting him.

  5. his bodyguards shoulda handled it but then again JP2 forgave his shooter. He didn't smack him. This pope is at best the false prophet. Study prophecy! It's coming!

  6. Lets report it correctly ...
    the Pope slapped her hand as she was pulling him and wouldn't let go. Come on ... report it properly.

  7. Why doesn't he apologize for giving the government of Argentina the go ahead to throw dissenting priests and nuns out of helicopters?

  8. Just watch the video. It was really shocking to see the Pope slapping a women who just blessed herself seconds before being overcome by excitement of being so close to the Pope. Does anyone know what she was saying. Please note that in Asian countries it is not unusual to be aggressive due to the extreme population. I understand the Pope's initial reaction but he should have taken a moment to step back and "turn the other cheek" and address the issue with this women - who meant no harm. He showed "his true colors" Shouldn't reach out to people if you are not sincere.

  9. Slap or no slap.. he's a terrible pope

  10. He's a liberal democrat.


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