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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Police Officer Shortage, Overcrowded Schools, Lack of Planning, What is Delmar's Future?


  1. Delmar should employ Jake Day, a community organizer, to “fix” all their problems. He’ll certainly start with the addition of an art league, rainbow crosswalks and more bars. Yup, he could make Delmar a truly modern city.

  2. When will the public wake up! Unions mean one thing MORE MONEY! Jesus people look around at the public sector and educate yourself as to what parody they already have over the private sector.

    1. And that's why I am a Union member, 8:26, more money

  3. Taxes will go up and land will decrease!!!

    1. 8:26- How does land decrease? Is Delmar's land going to wash away? Are there geographical cataclysms that every single other person alive is not aware of, besides you? Where is this catastrophe happening? Dear God, thank you for bringing us this savior!

    2. I don’t understand how this collective bargaining action could lead to less land mass in the town. Unless the commenter is suggesting parts of town could secede from the town? There is no logical reason to believe one action will lead to the other.

  4. 8:26 AM Taxes will go up? Not if you are adding 1,000's of residents. The additional taxes they are paying should more than pay for what the town needs.
    Don'tcha think?

    1. WRONG! No in Delmar Maryland, which is located in Wicomico County. Remember the Revenue Cap of property taxes spearheaded by V.O.I.C.E., and John Palmer, member of WCBOE. The Revenue Cap limits Wicomico County to receiving only 2% more in revenue from property taxes matched against the previous year or, equal to the Consumer Price Index, which ever is less. So, 2000 new homes could be built in Wicomico County in 2020 and the County could only receive a maximum of 2% more in property tax revenues above the previous year. 5,000 new homes, 10,000 new homes, 25,000 new homes could be built in 2020 and the County could only receive a maximum of 2% more in property tax revenues above the previous year.

  5. My goodness , it's just like the rest of America , 8 years of obama , it will take a few more years to clean the streets of all the poop , people will finally get it I hope.

  6. I signed that silly petition the last time you came around and said the town didn't want to pay you. We know you got way more money a few years back and I don't think that was because you had to bargain for it. Now you are back wanting more? For what? We don't see you. The crooks don't see you either which is why they know they can break in to every ones cars and get away with it. Most of the officers have been there forever. You all know you have an easy job and wouldn't cut it anywhere else. It's just an easy way for you to bump up your retirement without actually having to work for it. I don't care how many more people are coming to town. If you don't ride around now, you won't ride around then either. Have not seen any more of you before you got your last pay raise than I do now. You all are jokes.

  7. How about we stop building houses when our town is unable to support so many people. Our schools are already becoming over crowded. Its getting out of hand.

    1. I went to the meeting about that development they want to put up by Maryland Ave. No one wants that there. Problem is all these new houses they are building were approved years ago and there is nothing that can stop it.

  8. You want more money because you escort sports teams? Just let the fire department do it alone. They do it for free and don't complain about it!

    1. Yes let the fire department do it, they think they are leo anyway

  9. Delmar Middle/High School is already over crowded and has been for several years. My wife teaches there and this year she has classes with 36-38 students in them. There are (and has always been) so many kids that live in Salisbury that use bogus addresses to attend DM/HS. With the current state of Wicomico County high schools you can't really blame those people but it is and has been a real problem. With all the approved developments, it's only going to get worse.

    1. And the school is doing nothing to prepare for this growth either. No 5 year plan, no 10 year plan, and no looking ahead. Superintendent is a joke and unable to effectively manage that school.

  10. Let the Queen (Wells) of Delmar take care of it, she knows everything.

    1. Just ride down Walnut St and look at the condition her property is in and the town of Delmar does nothing. It is a disgrace.

  11. I have been basically shell shocked the past couple years that I haven't read anything about increasing the infrastructure of the town to accommodate the changing population increase! I have spoken casually to neighbors about the school impact and police impact in particular for a long time now and have inquired of them if they have heard any resolution to this obvious problem. I even alerted Food Lion well over a year ago about the pending large increase in population and that they better get on top of it because there was going to be a sudden burst of activity, which I didn't want to catch them by surprise. The man I spoke to was unaware of all the building taking place directly across the highway, so I hope I helped a little by informing them. Now this article also tells about a planned Maryland Ave. project. CLEARLY, SOMEBODY IS KEEPING US IN THE DARK AS TO WHAT IS BEING DONE TO SUPPORT THIS POPULATION! Last year when I was in Delmar Elementary, I asked one of the teachers what she knew about the issue...like was a new school going to be built, etc....and she said NO, they are just remodeling the inside of the current school, to create some more classrooms. Obviously, that would cramp the current floor space. I was shocked and the teacher was definitely not thrilled! I realize that approvals were given by the Town for new building a number of years ago, but who would be so shortsighted that they wouldn't follow through with a PLAN to properly support the huge increase in population?! I think if you gave the situation to a third grade class at the elementary school, some of those students could figure the solution. Kids see a whole lot more clearly than adults many times! There are common sense issues here that aren't adding up to those of us looking from the outer rim. We need information.

  12. They better get on top of this now. Look at the crowding in Indian River school district! Look at the waste-water treatment plant in Lewes. The Eastern side of Sussex Co has been booming, The western side is growing as well although not at the same pace, and the MD side also. The folks over by the beach have a more desirable spot, but the current residents are fighting hard to stop the overwhelming growth because the county/towns can't handle it. There needs to be a plan in place for infrastructure now for DE and MD town of Delmar.

  13. Most of the taxes in towns and Wicomico are to high now. One big part of the problem that is not being addressed not only for Wicomixo but for the rest of Md and De are the illegals that we are forced to educate in the schools They do not pay taxes yet we are forced to supply services to them.It's a huge burden on a lot of people that are struggling to make ends make now. Take a look of how many are in each and every school in he towns and in the county. Get those illegals out of here and you will eliminate a small part of the issue. Call ICE and let them do their jobs and get them all out of here.

  14. sorry but we don't want that goober poser in this town, i wouldn't hire him to clean up the horse poop let alone anything else.

  15. Superman Bob Harris is on his way back!

  16. 3 plans are in for subsidized housing in Delmar! Last night during the robbery there were only 2 Delmar officers on duty! In this small town all those low income housing projects are not needed! Especially the one by the golf course! Whose hair brained idea was it? Most people moved to Delmar because of the quietness and the small town charm it had to offer, not to mention the schools being great! Now they want to add housing that will guarantee the crime rate will rise. As far as our police officers go, Delmar will not hire new ones nor will they properly pay the ones we have! The town of Delmar will push their luck and we won't have police at all! The damn town can do better than this and think of the residents that are already here!

  17. Why is it that every time the police need something the mouth breathers of Delmar complain. As a resident of Delmar I want a well prepared and operational police department. The police are as important as any facet of this community. Delmar has always been known for great schools. The sad fact is so many homes have become rentals and with that comes issues. Crime will surely rise and home values will decrease. You can throw money at any problem that does not mean the problem will be fixed. Effective leadership and hiring quality people in all facets of town business will result in a better community. There was just an attempted murder in one of the newer developments located in Delmar. There are drugs dealers that are being allowed to operate within the town. A store was robbed this week. This is where we are headed. Big city issues with an understaffed police department is never a good thing. This is not Mayberry any longer. The entire town needs to have a comprehensive plan for all that it is responsible for. You never succeed when you are reactive and not proactive. The traffic is ridiculous there are all kinds of new businesses where is the money going. The bottom line is the leaders of our town need to step up and take the bull by the horns. There is no shame in bringing in outside help if you do not have the resources or the knowledge needed to lay a plan for our future. Pride is sinful when you place it in front of you duty.

  18. 10:38, you should inquire to how many special permissions were approved and why. Parkside is crowded as heck and they keep approving a ton of special permissions each year. The Boe keeps a spread sheet of coming and goings of the number of students at each school and the reasoning why. It would very enlightening for them to publish it about all the schools. You would be shocked.
    Also, keep an eye out at the high school sports, special permission students have to sit out a year, per policy. Lets just say it will be an interesting spring sport season in 60% of the high schools.

  19. Who the Hell wants such a Thankless job ?? NOT Many !!!


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