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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

PETA: Retire Punxsutawney Phil and replace with animatronic groundhog

PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. —People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is calling on the keepers of the weather-forecasting groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, to let him retire -- and to be replaced by an animatronic groundhog.

PETA wrote in a letter to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club on Monday that it was time for the beloved tradition to change.

Every Feb. 2, Phil gets dragged out of his hole and held up to flashing lights and crowds in what is a highly stressful experience for him, PETA said. And his current accommodations don't allow him to dig, burrow or forage like non-famous groundhogs naturally do.



  1. What they really want is a crippled groundhog that is gay to be more PC.

  2. It may as well be a stuffed one on a string that they pull out.

  3. Says the organization that kills more animals in shelters than any other animal "protection" group around.

  4. Feb 2 is the 1st Sabbat of witchcraft
    May 1 is the 2nd Sabbat of witchcraft

  5. They just don't want to pay for the cost of habituating the 15 or so Punxsutawney Phils.

    There is not one, there are many backups.

  6. 1:34... And your basis for this claim, which is a complete disconnect, is ... ???

  7. Northwest Woodsman: Is there nothing sacred? Now they want to eliminate Phil just like a statue of Lee or Jackson.

  8. That will end the groundhog Phil thing and tourism and attention by the media, if he survived all these years and looks as good as he does he has had a better life than he would have in the wild. So cut down the media, tourism and $ they receive, Pennsylvannia's loss.

  9. How about we replace PETA with an animatronic groundhog instead?


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