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Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Pentagon Confirms Iran Launching Dozens of Missiles at U.S. Targets in Iraq

Iran is taking credit for a rocket attack targeting the al-Assad airbase in Iraq, which houses U.S. troops. They announced that the missiles were part of “Shahid [martyr] Soleimani Operation,” hinting at an extended military operation against the United States. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – not Hezbollah or one of many Iranian proxies in Iraq – took credit.

Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement:

"At approximately 5:30 p.m. (EST) on January 7, Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles against U.S. military and coalition forces in Iraq. It is clear that these missiles were launched from Iran and targeted at least two Iraqi military bases hosting U.S. military and coalition personnel at Al-Assad and Irbil. We are working on initial battle damage assessments.In recent days and in response to Iranian threats and actions, the Department of Defense has taken all appropriate measures to safeguard our personnel and partners. These bases have been on high alert due to indications that the Iranian regime planned to attack our forces and interests in the region. As we evaluate the situation and our response, we will take all necessary measures to protect and defend U.S. personnel, partners, and allies in the region. Due to the dynamic nature of the situation, we will continue to provide updates as they become available."



  1. Kind of like a school yard spat. Iran (the little guy) bit off more than it could chew against the U.S. (the bigger guy) calling the U.S. names and finally throwing a wild punch that got lucky (killing a U.S. service person). The U.S. punched back much harder and knocked Iran down; to save face on the playground Iran flailed back while crying with a bloody nose. It's over (thank goodness).

  2. I"m so afraid , we should make an apology to Iran and give them some money to help stimulate their economy . We can help them by supplying some weapons and lots of food products. Oh dear what we done , for shame , for shame .
    I have a better idea after thinking this through , bomb the piss out of them and nuke them into total crispy critters. The muslim nations will die by the sword. Lets face facts people , they need killin real bad.

  3. This all is a setup. They know Trump aint too bright and the US is on the verge of becoming isolated (relative to the past intl coalitions). Russia likely talled the mullahs up to attacking to test the resolve of NATO. And Iran leadership would love to see the US invest another $1 trillion dollars while pinning down 100k troops for years only to have Iran stay intact. Dont fall for the bull. Iran aint Iraq. Terrible terrain to try to fight a ground war. Plenty of areas to hunkwr down and render bombs/missles ineffective, and enough home grown militias to fight one hell of a guerilla war. They can easily protect their homeland and break the back of our military if we are not careful

    1. 8:45-Who are you talking to? Leading with "Trump aint too bright," and then you pretend to know the terrain, and then how we should wage war. You can't see how completely moronic you are? Have some self awareness, already. Just a little. Okay, little guy?

    2. Who said anything about a ground war. "Deathfrom above"

  4. 8:45 is making great points. 7:50, lets just say we should all be very glad you aren't in any position to make decisions since you think it's as simple as a school yard spat.

    1. 10:12- Nice try! You are obviously @8:45, trying to pat yourself on the back. No one is buying it!

  5. Anonymous said...
    This all is a setup. They know Trump aint too bright and the US is on the verge of becoming isolated (relative to the past intl coalitions). Russia likely talled the mullahs up to attacking to test the resolve of NATO. And Iran leadership would love to see the US invest another $1 trillion dollars while pinning down 100k troops for years only to have Iran stay intact. Dont fall for the bull. Iran aint Iraq. Terrible terrain to try to fight a ground war. Plenty of areas to hunkwr down and render bombs/missles ineffective, and enough home grown militias to fight one hell of a guerilla war. They can easily protect their homeland and break the back of our military if we are not careful

    January 8, 2020 at 8:45 AM

    "They know Trump an too bright?" What kind of Fkn Libtard are you? President Trump is a brilliant Billionaire who beat out 16 Republican career politicians and a rigged election to become the most powerful leader in the world. And he is still alive! WTF have you done other than milk the Welfare System? Idiot!

  6. Big Bluff !!! They know they had BETTER NOT kill Any of
    America's troops & if they do >>> They are Done / Toast !!!!

    Their time is coming & their Nuclear crap will be DESTROYED !!

  7. OUR Missiles won't MISS !!!! & they know it !!!

  8. This is 8:45: Oh boy, here we go

    9:26 and 1024, unlike so many of you, I don't play the role of armchair general and don't assume I know war based off playing video games. Instead, I know the terrain because I have enough common sense to look at a map. I have an understanding of the challenges of waging a possible war with Iran because I have actually read up on what the real generals and security experts have said for several decades about war in Iran. It also doesn't take a genius to look at the outcome of Iraq and see what the likely scenarios would develop with Iran. Wish you clowns would study up on an issue for once in your life before before spewing your garbage opinion.

    1024: Where is there anything "liberal" in what I said. Sorry I don't blindly tow the party line like a dumb sheep. A real patriot's duty is to hold political leaders accountable so that they make the best decisions for our friends and family in uniform. And if you believe Trump, a man who inherited a very well established business network from daddy, is some kind of self-made billionaire, you really are dumb as sheep. Not knocking Trump; I love success. But you clowns' beliefs are just plain nonsense these days. Funny you have nothing to counter the facts I presented but the same ol tired insults.

  9. 1:12...you read some maps?? You read what "security experts" have written, too??
    Oh my.
    Security experts. Exactly what DO they really do??

    You "have an understanding of the challenges" of waging a possible war?? Because you read some maps?? Sort of like saying you know what it's like to fight because you read Ali's biography.

    Every man who has ever humped a 70lb pack through a swamp and ate cold food for his country is laughing his ass off at you.

    You read some maps. And studied. Hard.

    The Joint Chiefs of Staff might as well resign right now. We don't need them. We have YOU.


  10. Iran has one of the most powerful militaries in the world. You aren't going to win in a war with them. You will go further in debt, drive fuel prices to unaffordable levels and put every nation around them in danger. Our soldiers can not beat an enemy that will seek martyrdom while defending their homeland while ours want a paycheck and to go home. That's reality.

    Persia is one of the oldest civilizations on earth and we're but a few centuries old. GI Joe and the movies have convinced you America can attack the world with impunity and that couldn't be further from the truth. For every 100 million dollar toy a 100,000 dollar countermeasure exists.

    Iran is not Iraq. Boots on the ground win wars and we do not have the testicular fortitude to put enough troops on the ground to win as doing so opens them up for utter and instant annihilation from the world leaving our homeland attackable. Don't think nuclear weapons are a deterrent for anything because the truth is they don't exist. Inert material does not store energy. If I told you plant matter and coal detonated together could release an explosion of energy would you believe it? Then why would you believe two metals would? Large conventional explosives do exist obviously.


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