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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Pelosi: No Notification Before Attack on Iran’s Soleimani

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) reacted to the successful U.S. airstrike on Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in Iraq on Thursday evening by complaining that Congress was not consulted in advance about it.

In a statement released by the Speaker’s office on Thursday evening, Pelosi demanded an immediate briefing.

"..Tonight’s airstrike risks provoking further dangerous escalation of violence. America – and the world – cannot afford to have tensions escalate to the point of no return.

"The Administration has conducted tonight’s strikes in Iraq targeting high-level Iranian military officials and killing Iranian Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani without an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against Iran. Further, this action was taken without the consultation of the Congress.

"The full Congress must be immediately briefed on this serious situation and on the next steps under consideration by the Administration, including the significant escalation of the deployment of additional troops to the region..."



  1. Boo hoo...you would have notified the murderous bastards and tipped them off... Trump has the cajones to actually DO something to try to protect our country.

  2. The last thing we need is politicians making military decisions.

  3. Oh Shut Up, he doesn't need your permission!

  4. Cant trust congress. So Sorry Nancy. You will be in the loop when you learn to adult.

  5. She should look at the rule book because it was changed under the oracle Obama with her signature

  6. Pole-low-see offered her condolences to the Iranian government. Go to HELL nancy...

  7. If he had told you, you would have just rushed that info to Soleimani. He's not the idiot you say he is.

  8. No notification for the same reason he didn’t tell Iran

  9. What an idiot the picture says it all--she belongs in a senior facility in the focus unit for the mentally handicapped.

  10. President Trump is the high command of all our military. He calls the shots. Thank you Commander for making us strong again.

  11. Where was Pelosi and the Democrats on the over 2700 drone strikes conducted by Obama? Pelosi thinks she is President in her fantasies. She is the only Speaker of the House that has ever gotten a 747 to take her, her family and the other liberals back and forth to California. This also includes a Military personnel staff and a non-stop flight.

  12. "The full Congress must be immediately briefed on this serious situation"

    That is easy. President Trump has a set of stones and bad guys are dead.

    End of story :-)

  13. Looks like a child that didn't get her way. Doesn't play well with others.

  14. These communist Congressional democrats arent just jumping on this for the narrative. They are actually very pissed, because Trump keeps cutting off their money [Ukrane}. Remember those plane loads, billions of unmarked bills they sent to iran? The deal was, as usual, that some would be laundered back to them to foot their campaigns and such, not to mention making them more wealthy. That deal isnt likely to continue to happen now with the bombing. Most citizens really have no idea just how badly corrupt our government has been.

  15. You weren't notified you dumb Douchebag because this President is smart enough to know that you would have notified the enemy.

  16. Why are you not mad over the fact he didnt notify you when we killed farmers and a woman giving birth in Afghanistan at the beginning of December? #fakeoutrage

  17. Soon as Schiff got wind of any Trump led assault plans it would be leaked. I wouldn't trust any of the bastards on the blue side of congress at all.

  18. NONE required > So go to Hell & quit wining Pelosi !!!!

    Your enemy # 1 of America , so you Don't have any need to
    know !!!!

  19. I wouldn't tell the lying corrupt treasonous dumbocrats either!

  20. POTUS is in CHARGE of Military > NOT Congress !!!

    WAAAAAA !!!!!

  21. Pelosi has led the Democratic Party down to the dumps. That will be her legacy. I encourage all Democrats to change party affiliation before the next election.

  22. We call people tratior when we feel they did us wrong. However, in Nancy apologizing to Iran is more than being called a traitor. It is much more than that - she has embarrassed the American people and undermined the President of the United States. I guess another article of impeachment by Nancy. 😡

  23. Send her to Iran , She can be their Supreme Leader !!!

  24. Too bad the Speaker of the House has never read the US Constitution, or has the ability to comprehend what it says. Shameful that someone can rise to a position of power like that, and not know the constitution. Worst of all, she's from Baltimore!

  25. She IS NOT the POTUS & should NOT even be in congress !!!
    Should be in Prison !!!

  26. She (Thank your Lucky Stars ) is Not Commander in Chief !!!

    She better Learn her Pecking order !!! Below Trump !!!!

  27. Ayatollah Pelosi

  28. Trump just Put her in Check Again !!! Check Mate !!

  29. Agree or disagree with the decision I don't care. The sitting president only needs approval to declare war. Bush did air strikes, Obama did thousands of drone strikes. Nothing has changed.

  30. POTUS is Commander in Chief for a Reason !!!
    & only HE has the Launch Codes / Not Pelosi !!!!

  31. Trump should bomb California

  32. Pelosi should Join Lewis !!! Term Limits !!!

  33. Smack her Face !!! She is so Arrogant it makes me sick !!!!


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