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Sunday, January 19, 2020

OCPD Reports Drop In Applicants For 2020 Season

OCEAN CITY – As the Ocean City Police Department prepares for the upcoming summer season, Police Chief Ross Buzzuro shared his recruitment concerns this week.

On Monday, Buzzuro presented the Ocean City Police Commission with an update on recruitment efforts for seasonal officers and public safety aides.

“We have seen a dropoff in candidates,” he said, “about 40% on the seasonal officer [side] and about 30% on the public safety [side].”

As of the first January testing date in 2020, 62 candidates had applied for seasonal police officer positions. At the same time last year, the number of candidates exceeded 100.

Buzzuro told the commission the department had 32 seasonal officers returning for the 2020 summer season. But he said the number of applicants for the seasonal program had decreased in the last five years.



  1. Does it have anything to do with the drug screening?

    1. At 8:32, I do not think so. I was polygraph testing back since 2008 and the standards have really been relaxed since then.

      I think it has more to do with the fact that there is no respect for law enforcement anymore. My son wants to go into law enforcement and follow in my and my father's Footsteps. I do not want him to go into law enforcement because of the current climate

    2. I know that SPD considers any drug use an immediate disqualification, or so it did when I worked with the city. I've heard that many departments have lowered their standard and no longer see youthful experiments in the same light. I was wondering if OCPD was of a similar mindset.

    3. I could clean up the hole town in 1 summer with my registered hands

    4. 10:24 - you again with this registered hands stuff - give us all a rest from your delusions

  2. Blogger Rebel Without a Clue said...
    Does it have anything to do with the drug screening?

    January 16, 2020 at 8:32 PM


  3. I don't blame them. Who wants to deal with that rif raf bunch of hoodlums down there?

  4. OCPD never polygraphed seasonal cops. They started doing it a few years ago, and the decline started.

    1. Mandatory since 1995

    2. It wasn't for seasonal officers. They only started doing it in the last few years. Call the front desk and ask.

    3. polygraph are a unproven science

      not allowed in court

      they need to be done away with as pre screening

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't blame them. Who wants to deal with that rif raf bunch of hoodlums down there?

    January 16, 2020 at 10:13 PM

    I talked to an OC cop years ago about crime there and he told me it was mostly due from people from Salisbury going there.

  6. first off it's a sign of the times. total lack of respect for law and order, second is because of the politicians, think about it, they make the laws the police enforce. I always wonder why people take it out on the police when it's the politicians that make the laws the police enforce.
    up the pay! more people will come. then again you could keep salaries low and scrape the bottom like spd does!

  7. Economics might have something to do with it. The pay this summer will be what?

    1. $11.50 hr. And all the BS you can stand

  8. Word has gotten around about all of the eastern-European girls getting raped in OC, and cops can't catch a cold much less a real criminal.

  9. Because they don't ENFORCE LAW. They don't BACK COPS. CRIMINALS ARE INVITED TO CAUSE TROUBLE AGAINST FAMILIES. Wait for the number of vacationing families dwindles. It already has a little.

  10. A janitor's hands have to be registered?

  11. 10:24, maybe you should register for some high school classes.

    Your hands would be WORTHLESS when someone hits you with 6 rounds from a .357 from about 20 yards away.

    But I can tell you are one baaaaaad dude.
    An anonymous, but bad, dude.

    1. 12:46 - I agree - this nut case gets on here every so often and promotes how tough he is. Death due to lead poisoning will be his epitaph. The worst part is that he really believes he is some tough guy, while we all laugh at him.


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